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  • ct2k7
    Apr 24, 10:13 PM
    no, i haven't been "infringed" by something lol.

    i said the ahmadiyyah, a religious minority, are persecuted in indonesia. you said they're not muslims, as if that justifies their persecution.

    do you understand now?

    Erm, nope - not abuse - infringed by religion.

    You didn't mention Indonesia.

    Nothing justifies persecution, nor does belief in a religion :)

    Right, I'm off to catch a flight home.

    Cya laters!

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  • Huntn
    Apr 22, 09:05 PM
    Didn't you know? Aside from owning Apple products it's also quite trendy being an atheist. They think they don't need to back up their points with Reason or facts so it's a kind of intellectual laziness which compels most people.

    I'm not saying that I'm a devout Christian or anything of the sort, I'm agnostic, but it's based on Reason.

    Huh?? I'm the last person who usually defends Atheists around here (nothing against them) :), I'm Agnostic too, but regardless if I think they are out on a limb for my own personal reasons, using the scientific method, with no practical evidence of God is it really fair to accuse them of not thinking and being lazy?? Lol. It could be argued that believing there is no God for lack of evidence is stronger than believing in God based on faith (lack of proof).

    Because it's harder to imagine that an intelligent designer had a hand in it than it is to imagine that everything happened by chance?

    So you saying imaging is required in both cases cause we can't prove a thing? ;)

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  • Bill McEnaney
    Mar 27, 04:03 PM
    The point, though it's off-topic, is that your RC friend (that's a homophone, by the way) wanted, for reasons best known to himself, to communicate with you in Latin, but to translate a "sign of contradiction" you have to use the word for "sign" as in signifier (n), rather than the word for "sign" as in sign your name (vb). He obviously looked up the wrong meaning and thus mangled his translation.
    If he did that, he goofed. But I know I made a mistake: I missed your point. Now I understand it. Thanks. Maybe he tried to communicate with me in Latin because he knows I usually attend the Traditional Latin Mass.

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  • wdogmedia
    Aug 29, 01:01 PM
    Come on, people, let's cut Greenpeace some slack, here. Their fanaticism only goes to certain lengths...the reason they protest Apple and other U.S. businesses is because if they actually protested in places where pollution was a major issue (like China), they'd all get shot. :)

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  • mac1984user
    Apr 15, 10:17 AM
    If the media shouldn't project a positive message about being gay, then they shouldn't project a positive message about being straight. No more kissing on TV, film, etc. Ban all public displays of affection and don't say a word about issues that someone might take 'offence' to. Yeah...that sounds like a great world. Ugh...please.

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  • Eraserhead
    Mar 28, 02:11 AM
    I accept same-sex-attracted people as they are. But I won't accept some things that many of them do.

    What's pretty funny is that I'm sure Leonardo da Vinci did plenty of work for the pope and he was gay, and Michelangelo painted the roof of the Sistine Chapel, and he was almost certainly gay as well given what his art involves.

    And clearly the popes at the time didn't give a damn about their homosexuality - I fail to see how in the intervening 500 years its suddenly become an issue.

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  • Digital Skunk
    Apr 13, 09:06 AM
    I don't have a link for you but I too remember them saying you could run the entire app from the keyboard though I don't remember them specifically mentioning customizing hotkeys.

    Yeah I figured as much.

    Apple, Adobe, and a few others are starting to roll out with new products/apps/services and what not yet don't give us endusers much to go on besides what they mention to us briefly.

    I am still waiting for answer to Thunderbolt ports being accidentally removed and Adobe doesn't give much on it's new subscription service. I'll just add FCPX details to the list.

    Here are videos of the event... that way you can pretty much 'see' for yourself what it does or doesnt do.



    As a content creator . . . I refuse to watch video that was shot out of someone's purse/man-bag.

    I'd be stoked if it wasn't just the top left corner of the screen.

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  • Huntn
    Mar 13, 07:18 PM
    'Renewables' are hardly without issue either. To make a decent amount of power you have to do it on a massive scale. What are your thoughts on the Chinese Three Gorges Dam?

    Solar plants can be put out in the scrub, they don't destroy what can be some of the most beautiful places on Earth like dams do, and have much less land impact.

    mothers day crafts for babies. Miss Add glued those abies
  • Miss Add glued those abies

  • balamw
    Apr 6, 08:59 AM
    I am not a "switcher" per se, but I did spend 15 years using Microsoft OSes as my main OS from DOS all the way to Windows Vista. A lot of that time spent as a Windows evangelist. Today, all my Macs also run XP (for the 2006 iMac) or W7 for the newer boxes and I also own a Windows Home Server and a generic W7 desktop (though I specced it so it can run OS X via Kakewalk trivially should I ever want it to).

    OS X generally strikes a better balance for me than Windows. The default settings are good enough. I don't have a laundry list of things I have to tweak on a new system as I do on Windows. (Like making file extensions visible in Explorer).

    I came back to the Mac near the end of the PPC era. Vista was a miserable transition for me. My first upgrade went terribly and when I got it installed performance was atrocious. SP1 made that better. The fairly radical changes from XP about where settings were to be located, etc... also drove me to consider alternatives. If I have to learn all this stuff again, why don't I learn it on a Mac?

    Watching long term XP users when they first look at Vista or W7, I often see that same look of bewilderment as they have when they look at a Mac for the first time. Even though there is a lot that is the same, there is so much that seems fundamentally different.

    After years of custom building, tweaking and maintaining my computers, I finally had enough. I just want to use the darned thing, and Macs offer a tremendous out of box integrated experience. For me, iTunes was the gateway drug. When I finally gave in to letting iTunes be iTunes on my Windows box and let it manage my music, I realized how simple it could be. This led me to my first iPod and then to the iBook.

    The integrated hardware/software experience is a big part of the appeal of a Mac and all Apple products. You won't get this from a video or a post in a thread like this.

    I remember shocking my colleagues at work when we needed an 8 core box and I went to the Apple Store, walked out with a Mac Pro in less than 15 minutes, and had it fully functional with my MATLAB code utilizing all 8 cores in less than half an hour from unboxing. By that point our usual Dells would still be over in IT getting updates, tweaks, etc..

    I've replied to several of your threads, and have a request of you which I think is an important one in these questions.

    What do you DO with your Windows box. What applications are important to you? What is your typical workflow?

    This is a big one for seeing if a Mac will fit you or not and where you might find the biggest stumbling blocks.


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  • AppliedVisual
    Oct 26, 10:22 AM
    The intel machines use intel standard parts. No proprietary CPU riser cards or what have you. If you can get to the CPU, that is.

    Anandtech did a test with two Clovertown engineering samples several weeks ago. Seemed to work just fine. The only thing I could see as an issue is the BIOS/EFI might need an update in addition to simply swapping the CPUs.

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  • snebes
    Apr 20, 08:43 PM
    Too bad Apple products are few and far between. Want LTE phone? Sorry. Want phone with bigger screen? Sorry. Want computer with USB 3.0 or BluRay? Sorry. I guess you trained yourself not to want anything Steve Jobs does not like. You talk about Apple profits so much, it's likely the more Apple charges you the happier you are.

    USB3.0 - Truly an Intel problem. This will be fixed with Ivy Bridge. And it isn't as popular as you may think.

    BluRay - Has it really caught on? I know you want to think it has, but in reality? Not much. Sure, as the article said, consumers will replace their broken dvd players with bluray, but with backward compatibility, itunes/netflix (and others), and no reason to replace old dvd with newer blurays (of the same flick), it is still an uphill battle. Also, is there even any software/game that comes on bluray media yet?

    LTE - Seriously? Just checked PhoneScoop, 1 phone has this on any major network. 1 PHONE! (and how many weeks was it delayed and how many problems does it have, battery-wise)

    Screen Size - GSMArena can filter by this, but it includes tablets too. Lets just say around 100 phones have a 4" or larger screen. There are plenty to choose from, but the resolution is still probably 480x800 or 480x854. Just the pixels are bigger.


    Apple may not offer what you think you need. Go Andriod. Go WP7. I don't care, but take one thing from your "spec" argument. Bigger is not always better.

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  • ShavenYak
    Sep 20, 12:27 PM
    Scenario B: Apple morphs its season pass feature for TV shows into a subscription service that is priced competitive to cable. Movies are available in HD for $3.99 for 24 hours.

    ... Scenario B gives me a way to drop my cable package altogether; it's similar to the way mobile phones allowed people to drop local phone service.

    Perhaps what Apple should do is have two types of TV "season passes" - one at the current price point (or perhaps slightly cheaper) that gives you the episodes permanently, and one that's substantially cheaper ($4.99 per season or thereabouts?) where the shows expire after a period of time, or a certain number of viewings.

    They'd also need to have the shows available to start streaming as soon as they are broadcast - a lot of people aren't interested in buying them after the fact because they want to be able to talk about the show areound the water cooler at work the next day.

    A setup like that, and I'd think about dropping cable like a bad habit. The only catch is live sporting events. Unless Apple could capture those broadcasts and begin streaming them to subscribers in real time.... imagine a season pass for your favorite team. The pro leagues would be tough negotiators, but colleges would probably jump at the prospect of having all their football games available on iTunes and getting a cut of the action.

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  • manic
    Jul 12, 09:23 AM
    I disagree with the line of thought that Macbooks will remain with yonah processors. heres why:

    intel has announced merom will ship at the same price point as yonah. they are pin compatible. Apple can, therefore, simply fit the chips without increasing the macbooks price point/ incurring in high engeneering costs.

    One might say: oh, but theyll do it to differentiate the mb from the mbp.

    Seems to me that if they were concerned with pushing a high performance gap they wouldnt have specced the mb so similarly to the mbp in the first place.

    seccondly, it makes no business sense. Apple knows people are holding out for merom. this will increase after its been released. if they choose to keep yonah just to justify the price gap between the mb and the mbp, theyll be alienating buyers y crippling its product without sound reason. Mac users are tech savvy. theyd be put off by being forced to by a yonah notebook with merom widely available. It will happen and its Intels merit.

    lastly, lets not forget the "dell factor". If apples consumer laptops are ony available with yonah, and dells consumer laptops are fitted with merom at the same price point, I think we would see a lot of would be switchers not switching.

    Conclusion: all apple would benefit from keeping yonahs in the macbooks would be to make mbp users feel happier about their machines. on the other hand, it would lose sales of macbook from customers (i) not switching or (ii) further delaying their purchase. Doesnt make business sense to me

    mothers day crafts for babies. to wear for Mother#39;s Day.
  • to wear for Mother#39;s Day.

  • WestonHarvey1
    Apr 15, 12:11 PM
    What? Oh please. That's simply not true. How the hell could you have kids if you were ALL called to chastity?

    Did you maybe mean celibacy? I'm sorry that this confusion has happened to you. I know, there are lots of words in the English language and it's really hard to keep track of them all.

    I suggest a dictionary. There are many on the web, even.

    mothers day crafts for babies. as abies, a Mother#39;s day
  • as abies, a Mother#39;s day

  • !� V �!
    Apr 9, 09:11 PM
    I agree with another commenter regarding removal of default applications i.e. Game Centre, Weather. I believe you can deactivate YouTube via system preferences and it hides the application, why not the same for other default apps.

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  • Photics
    Apr 9, 09:53 PM
    Here is an easy way to explain it. You can heat a slice of bread in a toaster and a microwave oven. Are you going to say microwaves compeat with toasters now. When they do not heat bread the same way.

    That's a tough analogy, as it's true... microwaves and toasters can coexist. (Although, I don't have a microwave. It does strange things to pizza.) Yet, I don't think it's the same in the gaming world. Are iOS games really so different from other video games?

    The only thing really lacking is a decent controller. There are so many ways to resolve this.

    Example... put a motion sensing camera on the Apple TV. That $100-$150 box could be used for FaceTime and video games. I think that would be very popular.

    Another Example... the remote control for the Apple TV could be expanded into a controller.

    Yet Another Example... one iOS device can be used to control another. This technology is already in play.

    I can't see how Apple making a Bluetooth controller, which, say looked a bit like a PS3/360 controller, and selling it as an optional accessory could be in any way a negative thing.

    The negativity that I see is if it's an unsupported accessory. What if customers don't go out and buy it? What if developers don't modify their games to support it? There are lots of failed game accessories out there. While I doubt Apple will release the next Nintendo Power Glove, a goofy looking controller � like the PlayStation move � could be harmful to iOS gaming.

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  • ready2switch
    Sep 20, 09:38 AM
    I'm wondering why they couldn't/wouldn't just combine the mini and the iTV into a single unit. The mini's size could allow for a DVD slot/player/burner and maybe even allow for the Mac OS in the box, so you don't need another computer to stream your media from. In fact, I assumed that was what the Mini was ultimately destined for anyway.


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  • a wonderful Mother#39;s day!

  • Lepton
    Oct 25, 11:00 PM
    It's nice that the quad cores will drop into the Mac Pro. Will they drop into the new XServe?

    Say, aren't the new quad cores AND the new XServes coming out at almost exactly the same time?

    -Mike from (

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  • iBug2
    Apr 20, 08:16 PM
    unless you really really want widgets and Flash, otherwise I can't think of anything better on Android.

    Btw: my Prius gets much better gas mileage than a Ferrari. :)

    True, I forgot about gas mileage totally. :) And the hell with Flash on a phone, even if my phone opened flash, I'd disable it :)

    Oct 8, 10:23 AM
    Faster at what?
    I'm too lazy to find the part in the keynote where they showed this. Was it 20% faster at something designed to use all 8 cores?
    The task was a multi-threaded matrix multiplication that easily scales to multiple cores.

    This is representative of many HPC and rendering apps, but not as realistic for most desktop apps (unless, of course, you're like MultiMedia and run several separate instances of the desktop apps simulataneously).

    The sections in the video are at 11:50 to 15:00, and 26:30 to 28:00. (The gap is while the engineer is swapping CPUs and rebooting.)

    My earlier numbers were a bit off - rewatching the video the Woodie system was 40% faster than the Opteron, at 17% less power. The Clovertowns were low-voltage parts "about 900MHz" slower than the Woodies. The octo (dual quads) was about 60% faster than the Opteron at 17% less power. (I'd like to have seen them put in faster Clovertowns, and show what the octo Clovertown would do when matching the power draw of the Opteron.)

    At about 25:00 minutes in, Gelsinger says that the "two woodies in one socket" is the "right way to do quad-core at 65nm", due to manufacturing and yield issues.

    Jun 1, 12:36 AM
    Ok just to reference your statement about data using seperate channels and what not I guess you are not privy to the technology used in cell towers, congestion is caused as a cell tower can only handle so many requests, DATA or VOICE.....

    Fortunately, it doesn't work that way.

    A common mistake is in thinking that an IP based backhaul means voice calls don't get dedicated resources. However, carriers use TDM and/or pseudo-wire circuits to make sure that voice calls get all the QoS they need.

    Data has to share the remaining bandwidth and is what is subject to congestion.

    So fyi Data requests can congest and cause problems with voice even on the Un Touched Super Squeeky Clean power known as Verizon's network.....

    No. See above. Data loads alone should not cause problems with voice due to limited backhaul on either Verizon or AT&T.; Data especially cannot cause a voice problem on Verizon because it's transmitted on separate channels.

    Data can (and does) cause dropped voice calls on AT&T; because GSM 3G shares the same channel for data and voice (thus allowing their simultaneous use). Data transmissions can affect voice calls, and vice versa. This is because more 3G voice or data users cause a cell's effective radius to shrink, and marginal users will often get dropped. So a new data user can drop voice users on AT&T.;

    Another problem with GSM 3G is that if you're on a voice call and then use data simultaneously, the phone+network has to drop the voice connection and reconnect instantly as a combined data call, which can fail. You might not even know the phone is trying to do this in the background for push email or notifications data. All you know is that your voice call dropped. (Which is why some people stick to EDGE, which does not support simultaneous comms.)

    I get dropped calls constantly. I'd say it's approaching 50% of the time. I am not even in a rural area at all. My phone will say 3-4 bars and then when I go to make a call, it drops down to 0-1 bars. I just turned in on, just now and it showed 4 bars, and then it dropped to 2 bars immediately. I think their software is trying to be optimistic or something. It's like magic!

    GSM uses a form of CDMA called WCDMA for 3G.

    (W)CDMA works by having every phone talking at once, just like picking out a voice in a crowd in a noisy room. The more phones talking to a cell, the louder everyone has to talk to be heard. The overall signal level doesn't matter, but only the usable ratio of your own signal levels to the noise floor.

    If a phone displayed this ratio, it would fluctuate wildly as users come and go. So idle phones usually display the steady power level of a transmitted pilot channel from the tower instead. Basically, the closer you are, the higher the level, which a user can understand.

    Once you connect, the phone can actually determine the connection quality because then it knows its communication error rate. That's why the bars will fluctuate after connection.

    Your phone could show only one bar of pilot signal, but still get a great connection if you're the only one using that cell. Or you could have full bars of pilot signal, but a terrible connection if you're sharing the cell with too many others.

    So bars are basically meaningless until connected, and even then only show the quality incoming to the phone, not how well you transmit to the tower.

    Apr 28, 11:56 AM
    This is because they have continued to put time and money in to iOS and not Mac. They have been lazy and done practically done nothing with desktops and their notebooks. They need to start putting emphasis on to Macs now.

    Isnt that what they are doing with Lion?

    I am quite familiar, perhaps you should read it again.

    The iPod was introduced in hit popularity in 2003 / when it was later replaced (in the eyes of masses of people buying them) by the iPhone, and later iPod Touch as the next "new thing".

    Do you still see masses of people with White or Black iPods? Or do you see them carrying iPhones or iPod Touches now?

    What has been on the news recently the most, sought after by most Apple fans? I don't think it is the iPod.

    You dont know what a fad is. Thats like calling dial up internet a fad because now pretty much everyone is using cable or fios internet. An ipod touch is still an ipod, its just better version of an ipod black/white.

    A fad is something that comes alot that is huge for a short time then fades out. Just because tech advances doesnt mean the first gen was a fad.

    Oct 8, 12:15 AM
    If the day comes when an Android phone is as good as an iPhone, then it will be the service provider that will be the tipping point. AT&T; better get their act together!

    Apr 11, 08:21 AM
    I love building my own rig every year and it keeps me current with the ever evolving computer technology.

    Just out of curiosity, why do you build one each year?

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