apple iphone 64gb

apple iphone 64gb. Apple iphone 4G HD 32GB cost
  • Apple iphone 4G HD 32GB cost

  • pack
    Apr 7, 12:49 PM
    I feel like im taking crazy pills...I think theres some confusion as to my feelings on the topic. Apple SHOULD include a discrete GPU in all of it's PRO Macbook line. Period. If you want a more exotic upgrade, fine. But to give a high end, expensive notebook integrated graphics is pure rubbish! Now, does Apple make more money by their status quo? Absolutely. Is is the right thing for the consumer? NO.

    apple iphone 64gb. 2009 Best Apple iPhone Costume
  • 2009 Best Apple iPhone Costume

  • ECUpirate44
    Apr 10, 06:04 PM
    Just gave the problem to my 12 year old brother. Yup, its 288. To all you people who still believe it's 2, I hope you don't deal with math a lot in your careers. It might also be a good idea for you to hire somebody else to do your taxes ;)

    apple iphone 64gb. Apple Iphone 4 32GB @350$.
  • Apple Iphone 4 32GB @350$.

  • skinned66
    Apr 5, 09:15 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8B117 Safari/6531.22.7)

    Apple is just trying to protect the user experience for their product.

    Yes, it is ours to use and do with whatever we want once paid for, but.........
    Every jailbroken iphone user will complain and tell somebody that their phone always freezes up or isn't working right.

    They are not going to say in most cases it freezes, because I jail broke it!

    That info makes it look as if it is Apples fault that things don't work.

    :confused:My jailbroken iPhone 4 doesn't freeze on me. You shouldn't just make stuff up to defend Apple.

    The jailbreak haters make me laugh. My phone works just fine and while I do use a bit more memory, it's perfectly stable and I get a phone with far more utility. Any resultant perfomance issues are so negligible stock is not even competition.

    I understand some people bite off more than they can chew when they JB. I also know that scenario doesn't apply to everyone.

    apple iphone 64gb. Iphone 64gb Price. WTS Apple
  • Iphone 64gb Price. WTS Apple

  • ~Shard~
    Aug 11, 10:22 AM
    I think to the end user, the difference between Yonah and Merom is minimal.

    It's a speed bump, if anything.

    Quite incorrect actually. The dfifference is not minimal and this isn't just a "speed bump". If you read up on the Yonah and Merom chip architectures, you'll see that that Merom has significant architectural improvements over Yonah, including a 4MB L2 cache and most notably 64-bit support over Yonah's 32-bit support. This is very significant since Jobs is pushing Leopard and its 64-bit goodness. :cool:

    apple iphone 64gb. Apple iPhone 3G S 32GB /Apple
  • Apple iPhone 3G S 32GB /Apple

  • Raineer
    Apr 18, 04:46 PM
    They have patents but they HAVE to pursue infringers or they can lose the rights to the patents. That's why you see so many patent lawsuits. Unfortunately, that's just how the system works (in very basic terms).

    8 pages and no quotes of this. That's all there is to this, folks...

    apple iphone 64gb. For Sales Apple iPhone 4G 32GB
  • For Sales Apple iPhone 4G 32GB

  • antic
    Apr 24, 04:44 AM
    Ok, I'll try this question, which is a fair question...............

    Everyone says again and again, Apple does not aim for the high end.
    If we put Mac Pro's to one side as they are the proper PC's of the Apple Mac world.

    Let's speak about iMac's

    They are Apple mass consumer, man/woman in the street computers.
    They type of customers who just want to enjoy their computer and be able to get the jobs they want done in a nice and easy way.

    I think that's a fair statement.

    Also, as has been said, over and over and OVER again, these customers, that the iMac's are aimed at, are not Nerds, Not Tech Freaks, Not spec junkies.
    They are just normal people who probably don't want to be worried about specs and to be honest as long as it looks nice and moves smoothy on screen, don't care what's inside the case.

    Given this. If these "typical consumers, who don't care or really know about specs" are today, looking at their current 1920x1080 screens, or 1920x1200 screens, and they cannot see the individual pixels from their normal, let's say two feet away viewing distance, then what on earth would be the point in increasing costs, and slowing down an iMac by lumbering it with a higher resolution screen?

    What is the point, for these consumers, to increase the screen resolution when they can't make out the individual pixels currently?

    In the not too distant future we will be getting convertible iMac's. You have all seen the patents that Apple have applied for, where the screen tilts into a more horizontal position on your desk and is usable as a touch screen device.

    When in this mode the screen will be a lot closer to your eyes and would greatly benefit from being higher resolution

    apple iphone 64gb. BUY LATEST APPLE IPHONE 4G

  • jav6454
    May 3, 12:56 PM
    Too involved for me at this moment. I'll pass; although I have to admit the game sounds pretty interesting. RPG FTW!

    apple iphone 64gb. Apple iphone 4G / Apple ipad
  • Apple iphone 4G / Apple ipad

  • shingi70
    Apr 7, 10:01 AM
    Wow I'm suprised that people. Are saying it sucks before its out. Could anyone tell me why excatly its a bad product. Seems that it will be great for enteprise with the bb bridge.

    apple iphone 64gb. :BRAND NEW APPLE IPHONE 4G

  • wclyffe
    Dec 8, 12:53 PM
    Well guys, I just called my local Apple store and they have the kit in stock. That, and given the 1 -2 months delivery on and no news at all from BLT, means that for me at least, it's time to bite the bullet.

    I've thought about doing the same thing, but I'm traveling most of December and won't be in my car much. Look forward to your thoughts especially about how well the bluetooth speakerphone works while driving around.

    apple iphone 64gb. Apple iPhone 4 HD 32GB .
  • Apple iPhone 4 HD 32GB .

  • roadbloc
    Mar 30, 05:46 PM

    apple iphone 64gb. Apple+iphone+64gb
  • Apple+iphone+64gb

  • acfusion29
    Mar 26, 10:40 PM
    i can see them releasing the iPhone 5 in the fall, along with iOS5, but i hope it doesn't happen.

    apple iphone 64gb. :BRAND NEW APPLE IPHONE 4G

  • Hattig
    Jul 30, 09:43 AM
    How successful are MVNOs? Last I heard ESPN and Disney mobile are rumored to be shutting down due to low subscriber numbers.

    Disney -> Steve Jobs -> Apple ;)

    Who'd get a mobile phone on an ESPN or Disney network anyway? Free sport clips or Mickey Mouse backgrounds?

    Hey dude, with all due consideration, bad fake screenshots don't even rank along side a rumour of a rumour as far as a useful source of information.

    I don't usually have the time to find out if something's fake or not, but the /point/ of my post remains.

    apple iphone 64gb. Apple Iphone 4G 64GB ….$500usd
  • Apple Iphone 4G 64GB ….$500usd

  • ChrisA
    May 4, 05:13 PM
    If they are using the App Store for distribution then I'd assume a new feature of Lion is "Build a Recovery DVD". That means you can write your own install DVD to be used after a crash.

    apple iphone 64gb. Apple iPhone 32GB 4 .
  • Apple iPhone 32GB 4 .

  • stp2112
    Mar 31, 08:18 AM
    Ok reading through this I see it is getting off track. The new release of Lion is good and stable, a few quirks but not bad, I am running it as my primary OS. Would be nice to see some intelligent posts on here in line with the topic.

    apple iphone 64gb. Apple iPhone 3G S 32GB /Apple
  • Apple iPhone 3G S 32GB /Apple

  • LegendKillerUK
    Apr 23, 05:11 PM
    Am I the only one who loves looking at high res high quality icons? I feel a bit sad over here. :p

    apple iphone 64gb. Apple Iphone 4G es abierto,
  • Apple Iphone 4G es abierto,

  • gnasher729
    Apr 25, 09:50 AM
    +1. My IP is being logged right now most likely. No matter where you go, using any communication device, you can be tracked. If you're that paranoid, get off the grid. Every phone company tracks your location. This for iPhone users is just a log of it on your phone.

    I do agree, however, that the consolidated.db file should at least be encrypted if it is to remain on the device. Now any good crook knows all they need is your iphone to find out when best to rob you.

    What is actually tracked is not _your_ location, it is the location of WiFi basestations around the country. Which Google, Apple, and Skyhook use for their "poor man's GPS" that allows a device with WiFi but without working GPS to find its location. Skyhook started this by having cars drive round the country, recording the position of WiFi devices. Google and Apple, having the infrastructure, use a more efficient method to do this - instead of driving cars throught the country, they use people's iPhones or Android phones to collect the same data. Note they are not collecting _your_ data, they are collecting the data of WiFi base stations that you happen to pass with your iPhone.

    The database file is most likely there so your phone knows which information it has already sent, so it doesn't send info about the same basestation twice. That should be easily checkable - is the database full with hundreds of copies of your home location or not? Does it have dozens of copies of locations along your way to work? I think each location is recorded only once, so a crook stealing the phone would know places where I have been, but not how often I go where. So they would have very little clue where to find me.

    And the whole scenario seems very unlikely. It would be very, very rare that a specific person is robbed intentionally. That robber will most likely come to your home without having any idea who lives there, or wait in a dark alleyway and rob the next person to come along, not stealing your phone in order to find other information about you and rob you again. It is just a hypothetical danger that is not actually going to happen.

    But what actually does happen and worries me (well, I'm not worried, but some people should be), is that apparently it is possible to access Google's database. There is a website where you can enter the MAC address of your router, and it will find its location. It found mine within about 100 meters. That might make it possible to find people who don't want to be found. So anyone who moves to escape a stalker, or goes into witness protection, they better not take their router with them to the new home.

    apple iphone 64gb. Apple iPhone 3G S With fast 3G
  • Apple iPhone 3G S With fast 3G

  • tokevino
    Aug 7, 03:49 PM
    wwdc 2006 video is up now!

    apple iphone 64gb. Apple iPhone 64GB model
  • Apple iPhone 64GB model

  • wordoflife
    Apr 10, 11:06 AM
    You cannot distribute the 2 to the parenthesis because its binded by a division sign. You can only distribute if 48 was being added or subtracted from the 2.

    I got 24 * 24. Which is 288. I can't believe how long this thread is. And someone needs to fix the way the Mac does math...
    I can't tell if you are being sarcastic.
    Not so fast, 24*24 is not 288.

    apple iphone 64gb. Buy NEW Apple Iphone 3GS 32GB
  • Buy NEW Apple Iphone 3GS 32GB

  • treblah
    Aug 3, 12:40 AM
    Two reporters sitting next to each other with same Notebooks Except For The Processor. Doing the same things. One makes it to 3 hours while the other makes it to 5 hours. Did you watch the video on my revised post with the link to it? These guys were at the Core 2 Duo launch last week. You gonna call them liars?

    What's with all the anti Core 2 hostility here?

    Jesus christ, did you even watch the video? They were not reporters they were Intel staffers. He even says that the CoreDuo lasted 3 hours, not your claimed 2. This isn't scientific AT ALL and I would much rather believe Intel engineers who presented the info at IDF than some random marketing drivel with absolutely no information provided on the hardware/software. :rolleyes:

    Now stop claiming that dropping a Merom in a MB/MBP is going to result in two times the battery life. That is not true. And if you think it is I will make a bet with you right now.

    I'm not anti Core2Duo, I'm anti disinformation.

    Mac Fly (film)
    Jul 30, 10:19 AM
    iChat + Address Book for Windows (one app). Firstly I think the phone itself will be called "iPod Phone" as the trademark for iPhone is already taken, Apple would want to make it clear that it has iPod functionality, it's the next obvious choice for its name, and it's a very Apple thing to do. Right that's settled.

    Now how will it integrate with Mac's and PC's? Simple, iChat 4.0 will have the Address Book built-in, maybe a calander/scheduler apps functionality too and it will go Windows, as iTunes did. Mac users will get their photos from iPhoto, and Windows user from the Windows *equivalent. Contacts from iChat4, schedules form iChat4, music from iTunes, photos from photo apps. Job done that's iChat and the iPod Phone covered.

    Please note: the above is wild speculation ;)
    *may not be equivalent:D

    Mar 27, 11:00 AM
    as far as I can tell, has no basis in fact whatsoever. The Techcrunch article leads back to "unnamed sources."

    Maybe Fred at the local donut shop told them?

    Aug 2, 11:34 AM
    Erm... did you miss the whole Intel thing? :rolleyes:

    I presume the point was, the Intel update was just putting faster processes into existing boxes (except the MacBook which got a new design), as happens every year. And many of the apps which would take the greatest benefit from the Intel chips (pro applications and games) aren't yet universal, so we've not yet seen the best of them.

    I think now that Apple has a very fixed product matrix, there's less room for surprises. Apart from a brand new design, like an Apple branded PDA, an iPhone, or an inexpensive mini-tower with a fast processor and upgradable graphics card, everything else (to me, at least) is just an incremental upgrade.

    Sep 10, 11:43 PM
    Very exciting.
    Hopefully on Tuesday we'll see besides the Movie Store:

    Widescreen video ipod with large capacity.

    Media center
    I look at that in two ways.
    One would be in form of Airport that we can stream video to my TV on the entertainment room.
    The other way an stand alone hardware with huge HD space, outputs to my TV , receiver, PVR, Superdrive, remote control and a way to hook up to the net to access Itunes Movie and Music store for downloads.

    I do think the Airport is a more feasible option. But I do like a lot the idea of a stand alone media center. Well, let's wait and see.

    Aug 3, 11:01 AM
    I'm impatient now. Must... have... new MBP w/C2D.

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