Middle Row--Left to Right - Tate Hageman, Wealthy Robinson, Ruth Turner,
Ruth Turner, is said to have written

Hats and Headdresses by Ruth Turner Wilcox, which was published in 1945.
Ruth Turner
Sarah Ruth Turner
My good friend Ruth Turner runs it with flair and determination.
phone-hacking Ruth Turner Police Authority Paul Stephenson Hayman
and Ruth Turner. -- Washington State Parks and Recreation Website, 2003
World tour: Tony Blair, pictured with his aide Ruth Turner, has built up
a drawing in "The Mode in Hats and Headdresses" by Ruth Turner Wilcox.
Nick Arthur, Michael Patrick Flanagan, Janice Cobley and Ruth Turner.
left to right) Viripi Jones of Clinton, Ruth Turner of Jackson,
I have to say that my Sister Ayana and Mrs. Ruth Turner were my greatest
Zowie, my rescue, drawn by Ruth Turner (Amilone Golden Retrievers)
For Ruth Turner, his Downing Street gatekeeper and his chief of staff,
the Tony Blair Faith Foundation and especially Ruth Turner, Ian Linden,
with aide Ruth Turner on May 2,
MARRIAGE: Descendants of Julius and Agatha Christy, by Ruth Turner Ziegel,
Letha Dorsey, Katherine Drescher, Ruth Turner, Mae Wells, Tulsye Phelps.
Ruth Turner, Evelyn Oppenheimer,