Cat wigs. I've heard of pet clothes but wigs
to compete with the regular 'Wednesday Wig' he features on his blog.

Cats Wearing Wigs
I love this outfit, especially the wig; it's part of the Versailles series.
So I made a cat wig!
These specially-made wigs for cats are meant to bring you and your kitty
Why not dress your cat up
Wigs' the multi-coloured hair pieces could become a hit with cat owners
video games for a minute and instead enjoy pictures of cats in wigs.
Get it a wig. Same goes for cats. Prices range from - and you should be

Cats Wearing Wigs
Cat with white wig. Kitty wigs come in more than just pink - there's a whole
Cat Wig
with the condition that she get photos with the cats. The wig comes in a
This Halloween, your cat will love clowning around this comical wig.
with a wig –you've-been-forced-to-wear! Someday it'll all be over.
How to Make a Cats Wig
Kermit Butts 06/10/2008 9:45 PM

I don't have a cat. But if I did, I would get it a Kitty Wig™. Absolutely.
Cat in Wig 3. Wow, that's making me uncomfortable.