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  • Cooknn
    Aug 23, 12:51 PM
    Let us continue to pray for a speedy death to the Macintosh PowerPC computer.I'd rather pray for the speedy development of Adobe Creative Suite 3 UB :cool:

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  • Flowbee
    Aug 11, 10:28 AM
    Arrrggh... too many conflicting rumors make my head a splode. :eek:

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  • Barabas
    Jul 20, 09:21 AM
    Why don't they just call it: Big Mac.

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  • KnightWRX
    Mar 26, 07:58 AM
    2) $129 is too much. This one cracks me up. Apple is bundling a $500 product into the OS (and other OS based servers are far more expensive) and people think $129 is too much?

    Apple is bundling a bunch of GUI management tools, akin to Webmin. Was that worth 500$ before ? Nope. Is it more expensive elsewhere ? No. Let's face it, OS X Server was always a toy Unix compared to other big-Iron Unix systems and even to Linux as far as enterprise support goes. Volume management, hello Cupertino ?

    Their old archaic way of managing storage is atrocious and no, I don't necessarily want to hook up with a huge array and run Xsan, I just want to intelligently manage my local storage. No, just RAID1 volumes is not enough, I want my volumes logical and independant of my physical volumes. I want to be able to move logical extents to new physical extents without having to take down anything on the box.

    And what about those GUI tools ? I can't even just do X11 tunneling over SSH to my desktop to run them, I have either run their Remote Desktop stuff or use a 3rd party solution like VNC... What good are they ? At least make them web based (HP Systems Management Homepage type stuff) and join in to what the rest of the industry got clued into years ago if you don't want to code GUI stuff over X11.

    And other OS based servers are not more expensive. Solaris is free ( I won't even bother linking to all the free distributions of Linux that are ready for the server (Fedora, OpenSuSE, Arch, Ubuntu). The BSDs. Unix server product vendors make their money off of support contracts, not the actual software itself, an arena Apple obviously wants no part of.

    All the bits and pieces of server software is mostly re-packaged open source components nowadays anyhow. Most every vendor out there is using Apache and Tomcat in their web-based products, Postfix on the mail side, I've seen a lot of MySQL and PostgreSQL based products (HP uses both, MySQL I've seen in their Output Manager product, PostgreSQL in their System Fault Management, Symantec uses MySQL for Brightmail), and let's not even get into OpenSSL and OpenSSH...

    Heck, even Apple does this. OS X server is just a bunch of open source components packaged up together. Apache, OpenLDAP, OpenSSH, ClamAV...

    So please, pretty please, with a cherry on top, let's not call OS X Server something worth 500$ and compare it to "others that are more expensive but in actuality are free to download and run and only expensive to get vendor support for".

    This rant was longer than it should have been. I love OS X as a desktop OS. I'd pay 129$ for a Lion upgrade with my eyes closed. Best of both worlds. Unix underpinnings and powerful command-line (everything is there!) with integration for all my server products yet fast and easy to setup GUI that is mostly consistent so as to attract a large user base that makes it a good proposition for commercial software vendors to port their packages to. Apple just never got really serious about the server side of it (and lets face it, it's not their business and they obviously want no part of the entreprise market) and I'm not faulting them for that. Let's not be as disingenious as to claim their selling you a 500$ product for 129$ though.

    I'm shocked at how many people are so willing to just wave away all the nice under-the-hood changes and improvements that Snow Leopard offers just because there aren't any super-radical UI changes... really disappointing to be honest. Does it really have to be all flashy to be of interest to you? What, the functional side of things doesn't matter any more?

    See how this little change in your comment still makes it apply very much to the MacRumors crowd ? ;) The fact is, you're not really dealing with technical people on MacRumors, no matter how much some of them pretend they are. Heck, some of them still believe that HTML is a programming language and that they are web developers because their tools of choice are PhotoShop and Dreamweaver.

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  • Lennholm
    Apr 27, 09:20 AM
    This is exactly what i wanted to hear from Apple, a clarification on what the system actually does and an update that stops the info from being registered when location services is turned off.
    I believe the lawsuit was simply a measure to get this clarification from Apple and now the suit will be dropped for sure.

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  • cohen777
    Apr 6, 07:53 AM
    Let me be clear - FCS needs a robust blu-ray authoring feature. We don't live in a wireless world where you can transmit video free over the air. We still put disks in a player to watch and also preserve our video memories.

    Not having a good blu-ray authoring feature is a huge problem for Final Cut Studio. Not only does it impact professional wedding video-graphers, but ordinary people who want to put their video on a disk to send to people. I can't just put my video on netflix to have a friend watch it on his ROKU.

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  • jaxstate
    Jul 27, 10:37 AM
    Wowzers, that expensive.
    "$999 for the 2.93GHz Core 2 Extreme X6800"

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  • bryanc
    Aug 26, 06:12 PM
    ... those who understand binary and those who do not.

    Just sell Merom as "64 bit", that's twice as much as "32 bit".

    64 bits is not twice as big as 32 bits.... it's 2^32 (roughly 4.3 billion) times as big. Just like 1000 is not twice as big as 10.

    33 bits would be twice as big as 32 bits.

    But yes, you're right, the important thing here is not that merom is 20% faster (or 20% more power efficient), it's that it's 64 bit.

    Leopard will be 64 bit, and you can bet that once leopard is the shipping OS, there will be 64 bit only software that you will want to run. That's why it's worth having a Core 2 Duo system.


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  • ugp
    Jun 22, 08:58 AM
    My local store has received no information or shipment orders as of yet. A few new SKUs generated in the system for accessories but that is it so far.

    As soon as I hear from my friend I will post updates.

    Still don't have much faith though...

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  • Dagless
    Aug 5, 04:18 AM
    i thought this game was vaporware

    They finally announced the release date at E3 2010.
    I don't think I'll be getting it. I bought GT PSP and its as if the developers actively tried to suck all the enjoyment out of the series.

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  • ECUpirate44
    Apr 11, 06:39 PM
    Apple is already starting to fall behind in the cell phone market, the iphone 4 has the best gui, but not the best specs...waiting till Christmas will only push them farther behind

    What are you limited doing because of the current specs of the iPhone 4?

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  • Denarius
    Mar 22, 08:20 PM
    Probably, but it was certainly orchestrated to look anything but. Sarkozy was very obliging in shooting his mouth off, as was Cameron. It may have just been luck, but if so it was a remarkable piece of luck to have 4 submarines, a flagship-capable surface ship and all necessary support in the right place at the right time. These things don't travel very fast.

    Worth remembering that a fair few nations of North Africa had kicked off a month or so before Libya developed problems. Plenty of time to move ships into the area if only on a just in case basis.

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  • KnightWRX
    Apr 6, 03:38 PM
    Next Air will see a DRAMATIC speed improvement CPU wise and a minor decrease in GPU performance.

    The GPU performance decrease is much more severe that you let on, and the improvement in CPU is rarely even used, as it sits in the idle loop most of the time as most applications are mostly i/o bound or simply sit there waiting for user input.

    Also, let's not forget 2 other major points :

    - VDA (Video Decode Acceleration) framework support : Intel 3000HD isn't supported, forget hardware accelerated decoding of Flash content in H.264. This has been a major lacking point on Apple's part since introducing the framework and getting rid of nVidia chipsets, they haven't yet announced any change to this framework which right now only supports the 9400m, the 9600m and the 320m.

    - OpenCL. Big selling point for Snow Leopard, absent from most of their hardware line-up now. GG Apple.

    The Air with the 320m right now supports both. The SB MBP 13" does not.

    The main thing keeping me from wanting a MBA for software development is the 4GB RAM limit. If you're not running any virtual machines you'd probably do just fine with 4GB, but as soon as you need to run a Windows VM things will get painful (especially if you're running Visual Studio in it).

    I run a Windows VM with 1 GB of dedicated memory and a Linux VM with 1.5 GB of dedicated memory. All while Xcode is open and doing something in every OS.

    Seriously, software development is about the less ressource hungry task you can do on modern computers. Browsers use more system ressources nowadays than code editors/compilers/debuggers. :rolleyes:

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  • ~Shard~
    Aug 11, 10:25 AM
    I really hope Apple comes out with a phone that's an awesome phone, music player, and smart phone... Is that asking too much?

    Yes, I agree, it would have to be an iPod as well for all intents and purposes. And please Apple, make it a good quality phone - don't make it like those RAZRs which look cool but are crappy otherwise. I don't think I have read more negative reviews on a cell phone than I have for the RAZR.

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  • CFreymarc
    Apr 6, 03:27 PM
    What a joke of a tablet. Nothing but a piece of crap.

    In this economy, make a cheap tablet with the integrity of a 54th Avenue Hooker, people will buy it, bitch about it, give it free publicity and profit!

    I keep on wondering why they keep hitting these high price points. What the market is looking for is a "good, cheap and half crappy" tablet. Something like DOS with flashily graphics, it crashes every few hours and a reset button on the side, tolerable software, a hackers dream and poor return polices.

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  • skunk
    Mar 1, 10:46 AM
    Lee, you should already know my answer to that question. It's an emphatic "no." Nor do I support the gay rights movement.Why not? Whether gays are treated equally under the Constitution has absolutely nothing to do with how you feel about them. Whether you grant them the human dignity of being treated equally has absolutely nothing to do with your Catholic dogma. You are making excuses.

    I don't tell others what to do, but that doesn't mean I think it's all right for them do everything they want to do. I'll share my opinions with others if they're willing to hear them. I don't want to control anyone, and I will not be a codependent caregiver. I refuse to protect others from negative consequences when they need to learn from them.Another red herring: nobody is asking you to be a caregiver, simply to stop pontificating about something you clearly know very little about. You are simply broadcasting your prejudices to no useful effect: you are not going to make anyone heterosexual by trashing their feelings and their very nature, you are just going to add to their discomfiture.

    My parents, especially my Mom, hated to see me do some foolish things when I was a boy.What a pity you did not learn from her to keep your own counsel.

    I believe that people with same-sex attractions are endangering themselves at least physically when they have sex with each other.Feeble. Do you pontificate about sky-diving too?

    Knowing is one thing. Having strong evidence is something else. Even if Dr. Gould doesn't know that the Ancient Greeks thought sodomy was repugnant, he probably knew a lot about the history of Ancient Greece. To accurately interpret Plato's writings, he needed to know about Ancient Greek Society and Ancient Greek culture.I have read many of Plato's dialogues, in Greek, and studied - and continue to study - Ancient Greek culture in depth. Your Dr Gould is bringing his own prejudices to the table. He should know better.

    When the Lysis begins, a boy of about 13 is stands outside the Lyceum, telling everyone about the boy he's in love with. But the dialogue was about friendship, not about homosexuality.Homosexual friendship. Right.

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  • moonzilla
    Jul 27, 12:08 PM
    i think it's safe to assume that Apple will be making an effort to differentiate the Macbooks and the MBP. As of right now, other than the video card, and backlit keyboard, there doesnt seem like a solid reason to fork over an extra 800-1200 bucks. i expect Apple to use the core2 for this purpose. put merom only in the mbp, and force the power-hungry users to upgrade to the pro model.

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  • Yamcha
    Apr 19, 02:08 PM
    Sorry about the caps but everyone should see this:


    Here are the phones they announced:

    So, is it possible for a mod to get rid of this? It's trolling and FUD at its finest.

    According to Wikipedia It was released in Feb before the iPhone was released..

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  • AtHomeBoy_2000
    Aug 5, 05:38 PM
    BitTorrent is great if you're using a cable modem or DSL with almost equal upload/download ratios.But I'm using a Satellite..Downloads are great but the uploads are only 256k
    Nothing wrong with leaching if you have to ;)

    Apr 8, 02:56 AM
    Why anyone would buy anything from Best Buy (no matter what they purchase there) is beyond me.

    Aug 26, 06:51 PM
    Note: I believe I accidentally merged someone's (possibly a couple of people's) posts into BWhaler's post (3 above this post). Sorry. :o

    Jul 23, 01:03 AM
    Given the change in Clovertown schedule, I expect that at WWDC Apple will release 2 "lower end" Mac Pro configurations both with dual Woodcrests. The higher end configuration with two Clovertowns will ship early Q1 (maybe around MW'07).

    I expect it will be 2.33GHz and 2.67GHz Woodcrest models with 3.0GHz as a BTO option. Conroe in Mac Pro is looking highly unlikely.

    Anyone care to speculate on Intel's pricing for a 2.67GHz Clovertown? I am thinking $999.

    Aug 7, 06:59 PM
    Yeah, I recommended GoBack to a number of users back in the day (I think it was Adaptec that owned it at one point). No-one seemed to like it at the time.

    As I and others reminisce it's a feature that has been around for well over 20 years in VMS. It's only relatively new to personal computers.


    Great info Balamw, your memory is much better than mine :D

    I also used GoBack for a short period. The problem with it that I had, was how slow it actually made my computer. I haven't used it in recent years so I really can't say how well it progressed after version 2 I think it was.

    Apr 25, 04:47 PM
    Normally I would argue that the customer doesn't have a right to a lot of things. But in this case - if you bought a device and it is tracking you (I'm not saying it is or it isn't) - the customer does have a right to know.

    This (sort of) reminds me of how now your are legally allowed to get a free credit report once a year to determine whether or not it's correct. Companies used to make a fortune charging for something that people, inherently had the right to know.

    If people learn to read they would know.... Thank to wprowe

    Look at the section on Location-based Services. You agree that Apple can track your specific location including GPS data.

    Location-Based Services

    To provide location-based services on Apple products, Apple and our partners and licensees may collect, use, and share precise location data, including the real-time geographic location of your Apple computer or device. This location data is collected anonymously in a form that does not personally identify you and is used by Apple and our partners and licensees to provide and improve location-based products and services. For example, we may share geographic location with application providers when you opt in to their location services.

    Some location-based services offered by Apple, such as the MobileMe “Find My iPhone” feature, require your personal information for the feature to work.