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  • gugy
    Aug 11, 02:22 PM
    All carriers suck in one way or another. If you are unhappy with one you just switch to another. There is a constant migration from carrier to carrier because of this...

    The carriers dont give a crap if you leave them because there is always a group of unhappy consumers who hate the competitor and are ready to move to their service.

    This is why it takes forever to cancell a cellular account, they will try as hard as possible to not let you or talk you out of it. Its their only ammunition. My wife and I spent 2 hours on the phone with Sprint last week trying to cancel our extra phone we usually give our nanny. They were giving the most rediculous excuses as to why we shoud keep it when we no longer had any use for it. They wouldnt take no for an answer. It wasnt until we threatend to cancel all three of our accounts that they "graciously" cancelled the account.

    This is also why there are such high cancelation fees. apparently people are willing to pay hundreds of dollars to get away from any of the providers...

    Bottom line; it doesnt matter what provider it would be, youll be screwed anyway.

    It's true. I had Cingular and I hated it. Now I have Verizon, it's sucks but better than Cingular for my circumstances.
    Hopefully, Apple will have a solution that will help us say goodbye to all those lame carriers.

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  • shawnce
    Aug 26, 07:10 PM
    From the looks of it PPC based Mac's have MUCH fewer issues. Did you notice that the site was started on June 7th 2006? What do you think it will be skewed towards?

    (anyway talk about a site designed for farming ad link related revenue)

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  • azzurri000
    Sep 18, 11:39 PM
    I still think it's funny that everyone thinks these Macbook Pros are "long overdue" - when, exactly, did the FIRST Dell laptop with C2D ship? I thought it was supposed to be around tomorrow...but surely it couldn't have been before last Monday or so at the earliest.

    So that's, what? A week behind in the worst case scenario? Oh God...

    However - if they waited till November, then yeah, I'd agree that they were overdue...:)

    I see your point... I think Merom has been really overhyped, and I can say that I have gotten caught up in it all. There has been so much talk about Merom for so long, that it's almost hard to believe that it's brand new. Perhaps Santa Rosa will be the same later on...

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  • milo
    Jul 31, 09:49 AM
    I respectfully disagree. I say take it back and be ready for a much faster iMac Core 2 Duo. You want the latest, take it back. It won't be the latest for many more weeks. Core 2 Duo will be the latest for two more years.

    Much faster? Benchmarks so far only say about 20% faster at the same clock speed. You just have to decide if paying a 10% restocking fee and being without your computer for who knows how long (I REALLY doubt new iMacs at the show, probably just towers and maybe MBP's) is worth that speed boost. And core 2 duo won't be "the latest for two years". Supposedly intel is going to ship quad cores by the end of this year! Not sure why you think that intel is suddenly going to stop making improvements.

    Personally, at this point if I hadn't bought I'd wait, but if did I'd keep it.

    Of course, the problem with waiting until Paris for consumer upgrades like MacBook is that Apple will entirely miss the educational buying season, losing one of the largest markets for its consumer products...

    The educational buying season already happened...and apple was just in time with the macbook. They just came out a couple months ago and are still selling like hotcakes, they didn't miss anything.

    And Snowy...love that design, that would be perfect. And it would have WAY better bang for buck compared to the cube, they need to make it simple, not a shiny work of art.

    You don't think Vista will be out before the revision to the Core 2 Duo due in Q1 2007 with the Santa Rosa chipset??? I bet Vista will ship by the time the Santa Rosa chipset is ready, especially because MS is suggesting Vista systems use harddrives or Mobos with flash RAM to speed up the boot process.

    The next update to Core isn't the new chipset, it's the four core versions, cloverton and kentsfield. And those are supposed to ship before the end of this year, which would beat Vista handily.

    Here's an example of a post based in fantasy instead of fact. Core 3 is a distinct next generation set of processors based on a 45nm manufacturing process that will not begin before LATE 2008 and reign all of 2009 and 2010. :rolleyes:

    Did you read his post? He said he meant the next update to Core, whether that's called Core 3 or not (any processor that goes beyond Core 2 because I don't know if they'll call it "Core 3"). He just used "core 3" because he didn't know what the real name for the next gen is.

    I hope not. Visions of Motorola hauntingly return.

    Possible initial supply constraints...because they decided to ship the chip a month EARLY? That's not remotely like moto.

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  • 63dot
    Aug 18, 09:21 AM
    and if you guys have old powermac g5 dualcore sitting around because you got a new mac pro. i'll help you dispose of it no problem. i'll even do it for free. ;)

    hey bokdol, you and i can start a business and help all the intel mac pro users dispose of their old G5 power macs

    we can go into business :)

    lembrancinhas para o dia das m�es. dia das mãe,pais,
  • dia das mãe,pais,

  • ChickenSwartz
    Aug 27, 10:27 AM
    Are you sure that discount applies to the NEW Merom based Macs - I don't think so?

    It isn't like they are releasing new computers. They will update the current line. So if MBP, iMac, MB, and Mini get Merom (I know there is debate but...) and they don't include them in the promotion only the MacPro will qualify. That makes for a very stupid promotion end, you usually want your promotions to go out BIG.

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  • Littleodie914
    Jul 27, 09:44 AM
    So since these new mobile chips are pin-compatible with the Yonah chips (like the one in my MBP), will it be easy/possible to simply buy one and upgrade myself?

    lembrancinhas para o dia das m�es. LEMBRANCINHAS PARA O DIA DAS

  • PODshady
    Nov 28, 10:24 PM
    I think they'll be a long way off getting money from every iPod sold. For a start its such an illogical thing to ask for (Did the music companies ask for money for every CD player or Tape Recorder sold? Nope), plus I suspect the main reason that Microsoft agreed to pay money in the first place is that they needed to get the music labels on board to boost the Zune Music Store, Microsoft was in the weaker position here and I believe the labels exploited that weakness.

    If the labels were to go to Apple and demand a royalty on every iPod and threatening to pull their catalogue if they didn't get it, they would actually come off worse than Apple in terms of lost revenue and it's because of this I reckon they haven't a chance...

    I agree

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  • mccldwll
    Apr 27, 08:50 AM
    No it's not.

    And I think MOST people aren't blowing anything out of proportion. Being concerned about tracking information/privacy issues is important. Most people (stop generalizing just because some on this board are) are NOT over-reacting but were calling for deeper investigation into the issue.

    Yes, it is. It's hardly tracking if distant towers are also logged. It's a minor issue. Logs need to be deleted after a short period of time. It will be done.

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  • Dr Kevorkian94
    Apr 25, 01:48 PM
    i love my country we sue everybody! some people are just idiots, they odiously think they can win or they wouldn't spend the legal fees. like others have said android does the same thing but then sends the info to google. and from what i heard its not your actual location just the coordinates of the cell tower you are connected to. i wonder if you turn location services off it will still do that, because there might be some terms and condition someone didn't read lol. but this is a little out of control the situation is generalized to the point where it is being betray like they are tracking you by GPS at every second. cant wait to see how this turns out.

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  • nicroma
    Apr 27, 08:38 AM
    Since I'm neither a criminal nor paranoid, I thought it was kind of cool/interesting too.

    For myself, it was interesting to find that there were many locations that were WAY off. A good majority were up to 100 miles off, just as Apple has said. None of the locations mapped would let anyone pinpoint where my house or work actually are because they were so inaccurate.

    lembrancinhas para o dia das m�es. para o do Dia das Mães não
  • para o do Dia das Mães não

  • mazola
    Nov 29, 12:11 PM
    Why just the other day I was thinking to myself, 'There ought to be an easier way to get my money to UMG.'

    This sure beats taking out a fin, finding an envelope and stamp, digging out an address, and making the trek out to the mailbox.

    Let's face it, the Universal Music Group DESERVES our money. Sure I don't listen to Ashlee Simpson, Lindsay Lohan, or the Doggy Style All Stars but who am I to say where my money should go?

    And why on earth should an independent society for artist rights like ASCAP, BMI, or SOCAN be responsible for distributing money collected from what amounts to an MP3 tax? They'll just divy up the money to artists and music publishers according to boring criteria like record sales/radio play, etc.

    I want my money going directly to the LABEL to do whatever they see fit with no public oversight! Maybe the artists don't need the money this month and the coke-head A&R; guy needs it instead? Did you ever think of that?

    Thank God UMG is FINALLY standing up for its rights and Microsoft had the good sense to listen when it agreed to implement a UMG tax in the Zune!

    Apple, pay attention, or I'll just have to mail my money to UMG instead of buying an iPod!

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  • lembrancinhas Dia das Mães

  • gugy
    Aug 17, 03:56 PM
    They have become the Microsoft of the graphics world. See what having lots of money can do to you? Makes you cocky. That's one big reason I don't want Apple to gain much more market share. I want them to have just enough to keep them working hard... not so much to make them fat and lazy and greedy.

    Wow, interesting.

    I think Adobe is actually pretty good upgrading their software. As for Photoshop, Illustrator and After Effects they seem to do major upgrades every 18 months. I think is very reasonable. Plus is a normal thing when you are on the top to slow down a little, and frankly I don't think they are doing that.
    CS3 will be here next year alongside possibly with After Effects, so what's your problem with Adobe?

    As for Microsoft, I agreed that they are very slow when it comes to Office suite for Mac.

    lembrancinhas para o dia das m�es. LEMBRANCINHAS PARA O DIA DAS

  • VesperDEM
    Aug 25, 03:33 PM
    I have a 3 month old MacBook and a shiny new Mac Pro. No problems with the systems at all. When I got the Mac Pro, one of the RAM cards needed to be reseated, but that is expected with shipping.

    The one time I called Apple support, it took about 20 minutes to get someone and I had solved the problem before the tech got there.

    I verified that I solved the problem correctly and went on my way.

    My joy was that the tech was American, or at least a person that spoke perfect English.

    The problem with the surveys that they take is that I would suspect most satisfied customers don't fill them out, and the ones that are not satisfied after make sure to fill them out.

    Let's face it, since the Intel line started coming out, there have been over 1 million units sold. Half of that number are new to Macintosh. If we are talking 10,000 unsatisfied customers, that's still only 2% of all the "new" customers and 1% of all the customers that have bought an Intel based system.

    lembrancinhas para o dia das m�es. Bom Dia minha linda!
  • Bom Dia minha linda!

  • ccrandall77
    Aug 11, 03:58 PM
    Only if you have an active subscription on all of them. That's the number the graph behind the link shows.
    That may be, but I highly doubt every infant, elderly folks, and the poverty stricken all have cell phones. If that's the case, then I'd have to say that there are a lot of people who's financial priorities are kinda messed.

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  • Lembrancinhas para o dia das

  • wschutz
    Mar 26, 08:52 AM
    People may not realize that Mac OS X Server will be INCLUDED with the client version of OS X Lion. This in itself was a several hundred dollar product. Not only does it make running your own server even easier for non-techies it simplifies the OS X product version choices from 2 down to 1. And licensing for that broken up into single or family pack.

    How many different versions of Windows does MS sell? :p I can't even figure out the number of versions of Windows MS makes, it is at least a couple dozen while Apple provides the same equivalent functionality in only 2 (single/family pack). The overhead in managing all those different versions is mind-bongling.

    And? Would like the idea of only being allowed to buy a mansion when you just need a flat?

    Actually, Microsoft just does the same that Apple does, but at least Microsoft tells you... Apple sells a couple of feature every two years... Microsoft tells you... if you want three features... pay this... if you want five features... pay that...

    Sorry, merging the server is not an advantage neither it is offering just one or two versions of the product (and if you think further... it is only an advantage for the manufacturer because maintenance of these products is dramatically decreased... or why do you think Apple doesn't want to allow its OS to be installed everywhere... because it would become just another Windows... excluding the profitable idea of selling it for your own products of course)

    lembrancinhas para o dia das m�es. lembran a dia das m es em
  • lembran a dia das m es em

  • Dan==
    Jul 27, 02:29 PM
    While I like your thinking, your mock-up is wrong. If Apple are going to release a mid-Tower it has to appeal to both gamers and those looking for a headless iMac. They would really have to bring out about three main models, one which was basically an upgradable iMac spec for a couple to few hundred bucks less than the real deal and two higher spec conroes, (short of Mac Pro though). From what I can see, yours looks too small to easily customise, which would appeal to gamers.

    Single optical, single HD (2nd slot free), assume better specs will mainly lie with graphics and ram.
    I'm not much of a gamer, so take this with a healthy grain of salt...

    Gamers seem to like to do a few things:

    lembrancinhas para o dia das m�es. O tema Dia das Mães realmente
  • O tema Dia das Mães realmente

  • NickUK69
    Apr 11, 11:33 AM

    With all the Android phones coming out and manufacturers having no specific cycle, the iPhone is really out of date already!

    iPhone 1 - 2G
    iPhone 2 - adds 3G
    iPhone 3 - adds 3GS

    Therefore the above three phones are all 'old' regarding what was released around the same time.

    iPhone 4 - will be about 18 months old by the time the iPhone 5 comes out.

    People will loose interest in Apple iPhones with so many other new releases coming out on a regular basis.

    lembrancinhas para o dia das m�es. Dia das mães é todo dia!
  • Dia das mães é todo dia!

  • leekohler
    Mar 23, 03:45 PM
    What are fivepoint and MattSepeta arguing about? Obama has not lied or invaded a country for no reason. This is a coordinated effort agreed upon with the UN. Huge difference. Just because people are liberal does not make them opposed to all military action.

    I supported Bush's invasion of Afghanistan.

    Apr 12, 06:17 PM
    I really don't know what to do now.

    I have a 3GS, decided to skip the iPhone 4 (was eligible for upgrade), and my contract is up in June or July. I don't want to buy an iPhone 4 knowing an iPhone 5 is around the corner. However, if the iPhone 5 has LTE I do not want it and I guess I'll have no choice but to buy an iPhone 4 then. If I am forced to buy the iPhone 4 I might as well buy an iPhone 4 today instead of waiting until the fall.

    Please explain this. You'd buy an iPhone 5 with HSPA+, but not one with LTE ? Why ? Makes no sense at all.

    Aug 7, 11:45 PM
    Well I for one was kind of disappointed. Leopard is sort of Apple's chance to prove they can out-Vista Vista, and I'm not really sure what we saw today does it. I've been following Vista somewhat closely, and it really does catch Windows up to OS X in terms of features and prettiness.

    I really think most of the features shown off today are already present in Windows (I've definitely heard about all of them before) or will be in Vista, and it's too bad Apple didn't have anything truly innovative to show us. Hopefully those secret features are something good...

    The other thing that has me a little concerned is the huge amount of Vista-bashing that went on. I feel like if Leopard at this point were truly better than Vista, they'd be silent about Vista entirely and let the new system speak for itself. That would be really slick. That's not what happened however, and instead there was a lot of "look what Vista copied from us" and "check out how much better Leopard is." What I saw today, though, makes the former statement sound whiney and the latter sound foolish, since in my eyes, in terms of features, they're about on-par with each other.

    I really hope Apple pulls it together. They've got to do this right, because come next year, most of the myriad reasons for switching to a Mac will be nullified by Vista.

    BTW: whoever this "Platform Experience" guy is, get him off the stage and go back to Steve.
    hmmm, most of the features are already in windows? what version of windows do you have? are you from the future? and, ummm, who knows what's going to be in vista because it keeps changing...even what you see now may not make the final cut. to say that the two OSs are the same because they both have the same features is akin to saying that a yugo and a mercedes are both the same because they both have four wheels and an engine. look, there are things that vista will have that osx will lack...there are things in osx that vista will lack. neither os will be perfect. still, os x is great because of its underlying architecture and not only b/c of this feature or that feature.

    and most people will not be making their buying decision on which os is better...the greater selling point on the mac is boot camp and booting windows on the mac. most people aren't going to care what os is better.

    Jul 27, 01:53 PM
    Apple has been silent for a while in the hardware release area. It's time for them to update their whole line for the back-to-school and Christmas seasons. I can't wait for Aug 7. I want to see Leopard so bad. Also, let's all remember that Apple can make product announcements at any time. I can see the PowerMac being updated at WWDC because it's a product that deals with the developer market; however, consumer products could very well be reserved for a separate, stand-alone announcement day.

    Sep 13, 09:13 AM
    Most people run more than one app at once.

    Most are multi-threaded though and if I am not incorrect it doesn't matter for Photoshop if there are two or 72 cores...;)

    Miss Terri
    Apr 7, 09:24 PM
    What is the obsession with back-lit keys?

    Do you actually look at the keyboard when you're typing?

    Nope, I touch type.

    BUT, when I'm just lying around on the couch websurfing or reading something on the screen, then my hand is on the mouse pad, and when I need to reach up to hit a command-key or type a lazy couple of words into chat, or type in a password, or etc. then I LOVE the backlit keyboard. It's amazing how often it comes in handy.

    Sure, I can get along without it - my current MBP is the first computer I've had with it. But do I WANT to get along without it? NooOOOooo!

    But it's not because I have to look at the keys while normally typing.


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