Cuevas De Nazca

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  • ChrisTX
    Apr 8, 05:27 AM
    Obviously you know little about retail and accounting.

    Granted I work in a different type of retail, it seems illogical to lose a sale at any cost.

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  • Dont Hurt Me
    Aug 6, 08:56 AM
    1 day away from the all new CUBE!:) If it happens iam buying. missed the first cube. Powermac & mini are nice but we need something inbetween not a all in one. Its time for computers with easily removable drives, upgradeable GPU's and not the size of luggage. My prediction:D The Cube squared.:)

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  • sachamun
    Nov 28, 09:00 PM
    While I usually don't go for boycotts this time I would make an exception, if this was to go through I'd boycott buying anything from Universal. It wouldn't matter if it was an artist I had listened to for years, I'd simply never buy anything they release from that point on.

    I'd boycott Apple ipods too. I wouldn't touch a zune either but...that's for a whole lot of reasons.

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  • SuperCachetes
    Mar 5, 07:30 PM
    The same model applies to the 'church'.

    They are on the wane, and need new conscripts.

    Gays are less likely to give them that.

    That's (sadly) believable. See, now you're talking. I knew you didn't always pop round just to throw a cheeky non sequitur into the works. ;)

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  • bigandy
    Jul 20, 09:18 AM
    yeah i have a suspicion they were pushed for Apple's intel power macs.

    it just feels like it.

    a tingling in my.... er.... um.... let's say "eyelid". ;) :rolleyes:

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  • CaoCao
    Mar 1, 05:00 PM
    ^^ Well maybe, but the Obama administration doesn't believe that law is constitutional.
    Gov't seeks to uphold DOMA in gay lawyer's lawsuit

    The Justice Department says a lesbian federal employee should still be denied permission to add her wife to her health insurance despite the Obama administration's refusal to defend a federal law banning recognition of same-sex marriages.

    Government lawyers told a federal judge Monday in San Francisco that the administration will still enforce the Defense of Marriage Act until it is struck down by a court or repealed by Congress. They say its new position on the act's unconstitutionality is irrelevant.

    Karen Golinski is a 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals lawyer suing the Office of Personnel Management for not authorizing family health coverage for her wife. The circuit's chief judge has twice ordered the office to allow it.

    The Justice Department says the rulings were not binding because they were made in the judge's role as Golinski's boss.
    I can't help it if you live in a backward country. I was talking about civilised norms. And whatever your cockeyed definition, it is still not equality.
    Right, that's why England is preventing a married couple from adopting.

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  • THX1139
    Jul 23, 02:29 AM
    For the laptop segment, by the Holiday's, the MacBooks should be equal to the QUAD G5 in power, with the MBP 8 cores (2x4), and desktops in all various ranges.....especially with UB programs, all the way up to 4x4.

    You mean the Holiday season of 2007? You must believe in Santa Claus. You aren't going to be seeing Macbooks equaling the speed of the G5 Quad any time soon. Quad in a Macbook by December? No way. You won't see it in a MBP either...

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  • JS77
    Mar 26, 08:23 AM
    I'm really not looking forward to Lion at all. It just seems like a huge step backwards for those of us that use our computers as real computers and not toys. I have an ipad, an iphone and several macs, but they each have specific uses. I don't want my desktop machine to be anything like my ipad, one is for doing real work and doing my daily stuff on, the iOS gadgets are for fun games and browsing mostly.

    I LOATH the whole idea of merging OSX and iOS, they shouldn't even be related. I hate how they are ruining expose, I really don't want my stuff groups by app, I want to see every window like it is now. I have no use for "full screen" apps, why would I waste all my screen real estate only showing one thing at a time? I hate the idea of getting programs through the app store on the Mac, I refuse to do that. I hate all the gesture crap going on, sure it's fine for laptop users, but it's of no use to me on my mac pro.

    I think all this is just a dumbing down of what is an amazing OS. I don't use my mac with dual displays anything like I'd use an iPad, so why put that crap in there? I just don't like the direction they are taking OSX in general, and I doubt I will upgrade from snow leopard. To me this is very sad news, the day OSX and iOS merge is the day the mac dies.

    110% with you buddy.

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  • GuitarDTO
    Mar 31, 04:43 PM
    Man do these stories bring out the ignoranus fanboys. IMO if you have never owned both an Android phone and an iPhone, you shouldn't be allowed to comment because 99% just can't be objective about it.

    Now, I'll hop on my pedestal and say I owned the original Moto Droid, and now own an iPhone. The ability to customize your experience on a droid is what I found so attractive, and Google isn't taking that away, so IMO this story is nothing but good for Android. Better control, more polish, yet the same customization capability that the majority of everyday users want. All of the iBoys tooting their horns and patting each other are doing so for absolutely no reason.

    With that said, the polish of the iPhone is what I love the most about it, and if I could pair that polish with Androids ability for personalization of my device without jailbreaking and their much superior notification system, it would be the perfect phone. The next device to get it all right gets my money, whether its apple or Google.

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  • macduke
    Mar 25, 10:44 PM
    This seems a little fast for the first GM. Maybe not such a big update after all? Where are all the secrets? The UI could use more of an overhaul IMO. This is probably just for the devs and they will bust out some fancy fancy at WWDC. I hope! Gotta have that one more thing...

    I hope Lion lives up to the name and is BEAST.

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  • HyperZboy
    Apr 8, 01:30 AM
    You are an idiot to believe any of that. BB wants to save stock for their Sunday ads. That is the drive to bring customers in. They do this with any limited product. It's their nature. They need a certain number that matches their ad. They will tell you they are out of stock but they are waiting for Sunday.

    Oh, so I'm an idiot to believe any of that and you're an idiot to believe OTHER chains don't do the same thing?

    HAHA! Thank You! You made me laugh. :D

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  • mdriftmeyer
    Aug 27, 07:33 PM
    Especially the last paragraph of your rebuttal shows that you have not read ALL the threads about MB and MBp problems. I really would like to hear you, when you had your MBP replaced 3 times and still have problems... I have friends who just upgraded to MBPs all have one or more problems, ranging from screen, heat, whine, keyboard, and other problems, some of which they still have to discover. Sorry, buddy, but it truly looks like getting a good MBP is LUCK. I own a couple of laptops, my oldest ones are 9 years old (TOSHIBA), and never ever did I have problems like the ones described on these boards.
    Proof my butt.... Wouldn"t it be nice if these threads had only happy APPLE fans? Dream on.

    We are consumers, and should not accept getting a refurb lemon... but a new, preferably working product.

    I had my iBook G4 14in completely gutted due to be replete with defects. Apple returned it with a new logic board, DVD drive, hard drive, LCD Panel, and more.

    AppleCare covered it all. You're not going to hear me whine that this is a problem when the warranty did its job.

    Downtime from computing was zero as I have a second workstation. The time was 1 week from shipping to return shipping.

    It's been purring since now for 15 months and counting. I use it for Cocoa Development until revision B of the Mac Pro arrives.

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  • Popeye206
    Apr 19, 02:10 PM
    Is that your vetted legal opinion?

    We have a lot of couch lawyers in this group. :rolleyes:

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  • cwedl
    Jul 27, 09:49 AM
    at last, I may be able to build a system that will run Vista well!

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  • matticus008
    Nov 29, 08:32 AM
    I question any law/contract of this type on several grounds:
    1 - How are the eligable rightsholders identified/compensated?
    It depends on the system in place. In Canada, I believe the proceeds are turned over to the CRIA which is then responsible for distribution to its members through a process of their own selection (and not legally specified).

    2 - How are they compensated equitably? Do you compensate Jay-Z and a classical artist the same? Which ever you prefer, Jay-Z sells more.
    Again, it's up to the labels to decide. Once they get their cut from the CRIA, the label controls distribution within its internal channels. More popular artists on that label probably get a bigger cut than niche artists, but more importantly, individual artists likely never see much in the way of proceeds from this.
    3 - If I've paid the royalty, don't I own rights to the music? Sure, I may need to find a copy of it, but I'm told that they're all over a thing called the "internet".
    No. Most importantly, the royalty does not create a stipulation, or even a fiduciary relationship between you, the customer, and the CRIA. The exchange is between the company (Apple, RCA, Samsung, Microsoft, etc.) and the industry consortium.

    Even setting that aside, you have no record of a transaction taking place at all. You can't claim to have paid royalties and have received nothing in return granting you any rights (one way to fight this is to demand that a given label supply you with a written document). Absent consideration, all you've essentially done is paid money for nothing--you didn't send the label a contract with your dollar (and you can't, since you're not paying them the dollar anyway, you'd be paying Apple). Your contribution isn't so much because you're pirating music, but because you could be. It's like putting down a deposit, having to pay insurance, or having a membership in a book club. You pay money, but that's not the end of the transaction. The only thing this royalty grants you is a tacit guarantee that Universal will continue to provide digital content.

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  • Drew n macs
    Apr 7, 10:33 PM
    Something did seem fishy. I would suspect BB was pushing models that are not as popular first and once there sold push the more desirable ones. With that said though I have no Idea which Ipads would be more desirable than another. I would think they would want to push the 64gb model$ but it seems like several people on MR consider that model desirable. Just an observation.

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  • Platform
    Sep 13, 09:13 AM
    Most people run more than one app at once.

    Most are multi-threaded though and if I am not incorrect it doesn't matter for Photoshop if there are two or 72 cores...;)

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  • Flowbee
    Mar 22, 12:56 PM
    Blackberry playbook = The IPad 2 killer - you heard it here first.

    Look at the specs, their greater or equal to the iPad 2 with the exception of battery life.

    Yes, and RIM has a history of making excellent touch screen devices.


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  • Hellhammer
    Dec 4, 02:34 AM
    Cool, Thanks. You must be pretty far?

    A-spec level 19. Haven't played it for a week now, maybe I should play this weekend and get it to 25.

    Jul 15, 10:44 AM
    Life's great, no complaints whatsoever. :)

    That would be nice as well. It would definitely increase the longevity of the Mac, since if you ever wanted to upgrade the P/S, or if it blew, it would be a lot easier to do so. Still possible the way it is of course, but this would probably result in less hassle.

    I disagree. Using ATX power supplies is a stupid idea. I am sure Apple uses higher quality power supplies than you would pick up at your local CompUSA.

    If they allow this there will be a lot of dead Macs, from power supplies whose rails aren't strong enough.

    Not to mention those who buy the 400W model because it is only 20 bucks and drastically underpower there Mac.

    This would cause too many problems. Keep it proprietary IMO.

    Aug 7, 03:30 PM
    The side menu in the Mail (at least in the Quicktime demo on Apple) shows Notes and To Do. Wouldn't it make sense to finally bring Address Book and iCal into Mail along with these new options?

    I know that would make it very Outlook but Outlook 2003 is one of the (few) things Microsoft has managed to get right.

    I just don't see the need for Address Book and iCal to exist separately from Mail if they're going to be even more integrated with Mail.

    Mar 31, 06:46 PM
    I bet they tried, but it didn't work well. They're just feigning ignorance. As they themselves said, they cut corners. I read this as they didn't optimize the software-- it's probably very processor and RAM intensive. Just speculation though.

    That's just MORE reason to open source it. Cutting corners is the one thing Apple generally doesn't do (or they spin it perfectly). If Google cut corners on Honeycomb to meet some "deadline", that's one thing that could benefit from a community of free coders willing to code for Android.

    To me it sounds like there is a flaw with Honeycomb that is pretty serious, but they need to make it available for phones as soon as they can to keep up with Apple. Once fix it becomes open.

    Sep 21, 03:17 PM
    I had the pleasure of meeting Jef Raskin at his home in Pacifica a year before he passed away. He loved to play musical instruments and performed a short recital on his piano. Later that evening, after showing his Apple I in a wooden box, he encouraged me to read his book The Humane Interface and let him know what I thought about it. Sadly, I wasn't able to do that in time. But the conversation we had made it clear that he was not a fan of Steve Jobs. They both had strong opinions on various aspects of UI design. Even though I rather like OS X, Raskin politely argued against the inefficiencies of that design.

    It was some time ago and I don't remember all the details from that night, but Raskin, I think, was more scientific in his approach. He preferred to study user response rates, time-to-decision, amount of eye movement, amount of pointer movement, number of mouse clicks, and various other factors that might contribute to 'dead' or wasted time.

    It doesn't surprise me he was no fan of Jobs, especially given the history of the original Mac. From people I know who've worked with Jobs, he's not always easy to get along with.

    From what I've read, the Mac was fundamentally quite different from Raskin's original vision after Jobs took over the project, though some of his ideas were obviously incorporated into it. (I believe Raskin wanted to go with the cheaper but obviously slower 6809).

    His book's been one I've meant to track down for some time now. You know how it is, so many things to do/see...

    The Archy interface modelled on his concepts is quite interesting, too.

    I was sorry when we lost Jef, I feel he was one of those people striving to make the world a better place.

    What did you think of The Humane Design?

    Jul 14, 03:57 PM
    Since apple is part of the Blu Ray consortium wouldn't you think they will use blu ray only?

    No, actually. Apple technically supports HD-DVD as well, since are a member of the DVD Forum, which backs HD-DVD. :cool: