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  • ~loserman~
    Mar 20, 07:25 PM
    Not to the holder of the copyright.


    If these people who argue against copyright were having their creations stolen and it was affecting their living they would feel differently.

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  • TheRealTVGuy
    Mar 18, 01:50 AM
    Poor thing... he doesn't realize napster and limewire are history. Also, once the data hits my device, it's mine to do with as I please. Thank you very much.


    By the way, I agree with you. Once you buy something, you should be able to use said device to its maximum potential. NOT have to pay to unlock its built-in features.

    And by the way AT&T;, all I want from you is a large pipe full of 1s and 0s. What I choose do do with them, or how I use and distribute them should be of no concern... Just one flat rate for a big, fast, data pipe.

    Until then I'm stuck because I believe in playing by the rules, no matter how F-d up they are...

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  • T-Bone
    Sep 12, 04:16 PM
    I bought a DVI->S-Video adapter for $15 and an S-Video cable for about $20. Guess what. I can watch TV shows and movies downloaded to my hard drive on my TV. Sooooo.... $35 vs. $300. Let me see.

    I realize they are saying that you're getting high-def, and it's wireless, but I have a hard time believing that a movie you can download in a half hour will be as good of quality as a DVD which is nearly 8gb in size. And yes, I realize part of those 8gb are extras and such, which of course you won't be getting even though you are paying close to what you would pay for a brand new DVD. Also, I have wires running all over the place already (cable, phone, speakers, electrical, etc.) so one more wire isn't killing me.

    I'm sure there will be people that buy into this. How many? I predict very few.

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  • Edge100
    Apr 15, 11:57 AM
    Funny. I find you to be the second most bigoted person I've seen so far on this thread. But that's just like, my opinion.

    Calling you out on your religious garbage is not bigoted.

    It's merely pointing out that until you provide some evidence for the existence of your invisible god, it might be a good idea to stop treating people like second-class humans based on the writings of 1st century nomads who didn't know enough about the realities of the universe to keep their food supplies away from their toilets.

    It's pointing out that this Earth is littered with the bones of people who have been killed in the name of what you find 'sacred'.

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  • cocky jeremy
    May 16, 02:53 PM
    I used to never get dropped calls on AT&T; and lastnight alone i had 2-4. To top that off, i called my GF and it was ringing (at least on my end) and her phone never even rang. Called both of my parents, same thing. They were 5 feet away from me at the time. WTF. :eek:

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  • eawmp1
    Apr 15, 09:13 AM
    However, they should be careful. Moves like this have the potential to alienate customers.

    Or perhaps enlighten them.

    Good on ya, Apple!

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  • alex_ant
    Oct 9, 08:29 AM
    Originally posted by Abercrombieboy
    I don't understand you guys, you say that Windows XP is now stable and maybe you are right, and you say that PC's are faster and the hardware is the same quality for less money.

    I am getting close to replacing my old iMac and I have always been a Mac person, but maybe you are right PC's are better now.
    Nope, not better - faster. Nobody is saying Macs suck - they're saying Macs are slow. I paid $2300 for 550MHz of G4 molasses last year when I could have bought a PC notebook that kicked the pants off it performance-wise. But I don't regret my purchase decision. I would buy the same computer again today (well, maybe the iBook instead).

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  • firestarter
    Mar 15, 07:13 AM
    an obvious ploy IMHO to win the upcoming local elections in Baden-W�rtenberg which are in danger of being lost because of the pro-nuclear stance of the CDU-FDP coalition

    Irresponsible politicking. Trading off the nation's future for the short term expediency of a group of politicians. Disgraceful.

    the question which comes up though is: if 7 nuclear plants can easily taken off the grid for 3 months without consequences to electricity supply... why exactly are they deemed so important ?

    Can I answer (raises hand!)?

    Given that Germany probably isn't going to magic 7 renewable power stations out of thin air overnight, they'll be stepping up the burning of hydrocarbons.

    So the German people will probably be paying more for electricity at a time when oil prices are at a high. It'll poison the environment more, and take Germany further away from realising their Kyoto agreement pledges. And it will probably increase the amount of radioactive material released into the environment (, if some of that capacity is switched to coal.

    So, a stupid and self serving action by German politicians.

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  • Apple OC
    Apr 22, 10:20 PM
    All our money has that crap on it. Just like how UNDER GOD was added to the pledge when we were all so afraid of the communists taking over, our currency was also hi-jacked by the religious right. Pathetic example of how we do not have separation of church and state.

    lol ... there are some weird things on the US currency
    ... what is with the floating eye on top of a Pyramid?

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  • econgeek
    Apr 12, 10:54 PM
    Of course you do. I agree completely. Obviously the poster is exaggerating. I assume he means that the editors he speaks of aren't techno geeks like a lot of us here on MacRumors.

    I seem to have misspoken. I meant they don't need to know the acute technical details of their software.

    Right, Apple lowered the barrier to entry so that people can GET STARTED more quickly.... and all the so-called "professionals" (in their own mind) are now declaring that they have removed all depth from the product, eliminated %90 of the features (based on what? their own ignorance about what was shown?)....

    and are insisting that if it is easier to GET STARTED, it therefore cannot have the depth of features to do ADVANCED work.

    It is nonsense.

    It is the kind of nonsense attitude you see whenever Apple introduces something new.

    Hell, people were saying the same stuff about iMovie back in 2006 and they are using the nonsense about iMovie as "evidence" that Apple is "doing it again" with Final Cut!


    you know what?

    Someone is always saying something stupid on the internet.

    The sad thing is, the people who don't know any better, they believe these "professionals" and think they are "experts".

    You can go into any camera store...

    You can go into any bar...

    You can go to any gun range...

    You can go into any hobby or area of mild technical expertise...

    and find self important, experts-in-their-own-mind who are derisive of whatever is new.

    Guys who think they seem more macho by denigrating things they don't understand.

    These people are not cool.

    They are not to be admired.

    And they certainly aren't worth taking advice from!

    After all, they are the same ones who thought Windows was so much better than Mac OS!

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  • charliehustle
    Oct 8, 12:18 PM
    Actually, to a degree it is...

    huh? how so?
    so because a Ferrari has better quality, it will sell larger numbers than a Honda Civic that more people can afford..
    I don't believe you

    Yea, just like Microsoft did... whoops...

    Traditionally, Microsoft aimed Windows Mobile at corporations that wanted Windows as a standard across PCs and handhelds

    you're using the failure of one company as an excuse for another one..
    different people, different enterprise..
    Using that logic, apple should not even be making computers, due to their fall down prior to being saved by the ipod..

    Microsoft is not Google..
    How many microsoft apps do you use on your iphone? Do you use them more than Google products?
    I bet you use Google maps, Google search.

    Microsoft taking an open hardware approach has very little to do with their success. Its a side affect. A coincidence. Look at the video game market for further proof. MS doesn't take the desktop approach with the X-box - they parleyed their gaming successes on Windows to ease developers onto a closed hardware device. Nintendo has done that for years with their franchise characters. You cannot get a more closed ecosystem than Video games - and they are continuously successful. Even MS exploits closed ecosystems and they are finally making a profit (they would have earlier if they could have released a hardware system that wasn't so defective).

    the point I was trying to make was more of a business plan compared to open or closed. I guess people are assuming all these phones are going to be priced the same (apple vs others), I highly doubt that..

    in the business world, there are different markets and demographics, and yes, the iphone does well across the board, but you have to look at everything including price, cost of plans, and so on..

    you might not see kids in grade 8 getting iphones, because their parents dont' want spend that that much money,
    you can have a number of different situations.. but apple only has one product, and they're trying to market it toward everyone..

    google will be positioned better to target different demographics compared to apple..

    what if a user wants actual buttons to type on (yes people like that still do exist) how can apple make any money off them?
    essentially, apple just lost a customer, and you can't make assumptions that all people want full touch screens..

    some people might not like the look of the iphone,

    google is giving people a choice of which handset they want, and this will result in them selling a higher number of phones..

    Insulting people does not help your case.

    It just bothers me when people have a very biased and closed minded opinions when it comes to apple..
    I wasn't talking about anyone specifically, so sorry if I offended anyone..

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  • Cromulent
    Mar 26, 11:12 PM
    ...seems to be asking the absurd question

    You need to learn how to read quoted text before reading a response.

    so I guess I'm asking not "why are condoning the belief or not condoning it," but rather "what possible sense could it make from a practical perspective."

    You obviously seem to be missing the extremely simple point here, I was merely pointing out that in Catholicism priests are expected to be celibate so expecting a gay person to be celibate is not exactly unheard of in a religious context.

    The fact that some people have the opinion that being gay is OK as long as you are not a practicing gay follows the same logic as priests being expected to remain celibate and also shares some of the reasons why as well.

    Being gay and being a priest have absolutely nothing in common.

    If you had followed the thread you would see where the original comment came from.

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  • torbjoern
    Apr 24, 03:48 PM
    India is much more diversified than Pakistan and Bangladesh, such that the population of Muslims is much less. However, that does not mean that honour killings don't happen in India - they certainly do. e.g. Punjab. I can tell you know as a fact that the majority of honour killings there are not within Muslim families.
    Most of Punjab belongs to Pakistan, not India. But yes, in the Indian part of Punjab, I'm sure that most honour-killings are not within Muslim families.

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  • I'mAMac
    Aug 29, 02:48 PM
    Absolutely 100% false.

    According to the American Automobile Manufacturer's Association, there were 169,994,128 vehicles in the world in 1970. As of 2001 there were 450 million.

    Fine, then...per car, modern vehicles are now only 38 times cleaner than they were forty years ago. )
    It isnt absolutley 100% false. There is an extreme amount of people on this planet. Look at that rathole of a place China. And in america, the immigrants. There are a hell of a lot of people and my solution: Nuke the middle-east.
    and he said 40 years ago not 30 go back to 66 from NOW

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  • Stella
    Aug 29, 03:53 PM
    Why not target the bigger fish first? Too hard a target? Microsoft in its CD replication factories, Dell in its TV/monitor and board manufacturing facilities surely put out hundreds of tons of more toxic wastes than all of Apples productions combined. Why not start there?

    Really, I thought it was a survey that happened to find Apple not so Green amongst other companies. Anything that puts Apple in a bad light is automatically deemed as "Singling out Apple".

    I for one welcome this kind of thing - it names and shames.

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  • Bill McEnaney
    Apr 26, 10:01 PM
    It's quite possible they are "miraculous" recoveries. "Miraculous' as in exceedingly rare.
    I wouldn't call Giffords's recovery miraculous.

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  • jmcrutch
    Mar 18, 08:51 AM
    If AT&T; were to allow tethering with unlimited, they know that ASAP people would start dropping their home internet en masse. Not saying everyone would, but plenty would for the same reason they dropped their home landline telephone. Will this happen eventualy anyway - yes. But AT&T;, as the provider has the right to do as they see fit for their business and their shareholders.

    While you might not use more data via tethering, if it were allowed with no extra charges, and on unlimited plans, AT&T; would see a huge spike in usage that would not go down - and they would be doing so without any increase in their revenues (in fact, they'd see a decrease as noted above).

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  • Cape Cod Rick
    Jul 7, 06:00 AM
    I love my new IPhone 4. However, I am dropping many more calls with the IPhone 4 than I did with IPhone 3G!! Yesterday, my phone dropped 3 calls- even when I was holding the phone with only two fingers and away from the bottom!!

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  • dnedved
    Sep 12, 04:39 PM
    This is the device I've been waiting for 2+ years for Apple to come out with. Those who think this isn't a Tivo killer don't understand Tivo's plans. This hasn't just killed the current Tivo, this has killed the gen4 Tivo that isn't even out yet. It's stolen its thunder by at least a year if not much more.

    It's been obvious for awhile now that Tivo has been moving in their slow ponderous way towards a method of content delivery over internet. They have been doing it for ads for years now, and they want to do it with content so bad they can taste it. They hired a key guy from bittorrent several years ago, but haven't done anything impressive since. They want it, but with it taking them 3 years to go with cable card and dual tuner, they just aren't able to get their act together in time.

    Apple has played their cards exactly right. They've done what Tivo, Netflix, Microsoft, Sony, and Blockbuster would all give their collective left nut to do. They've done what every local cable company and even every media mogul SHOULD have been laying awake worrying about, which is to have made them irrelevant in one fell swoop. Not to every single consumer by a long shot, but to a significant demographic of tech-savvy consumers who know what they want and will shift paradigms to get it.

    As much as I want this right this very second, waiting for 802.11n is the right thing to do and I'm glad Apple did it. I don't have a TV, but I'll buy a 20" monitor and one of these the day it comes out. I'll buy a second one and a projector as soon as possible afterwards.

    This is going to be a much bigger deal than the iPod, and that's saying a lot.

    Oct 7, 02:15 PM
    Cause it's not. I played with the iPhone SDK for a test app and had to relearn a few things. For example, the + or - in front of a method, which means instance or class method (or vice-versa). I could find the right information (or Google keywords) to get it without a few bouts of swearing.

    Then my company got a contract to port an iPhone app to Android. And by port I mean rewrite since we can't share anything from obj-c to Java.

    Coming from a C/C++ background, the learning curve was really quick. Plus Google did a relatively good job with its SDK and emulator which work pretty well on both Mac and Windows.

    What you really meant was easier for you so you don't have to do as much. Judging by the number of apps in the app store it doesn't appear that most developers are worrying to much about it.

    Mar 14, 12:16 PM
    The US is actually in a very good position to switch towards much more renewable energy while at the same time, upgrading our aging infrastructure. That said, what we lack is the political will and political capital to actually push such initiatives.

    Look up State RPS and DOE programs. Legislation has been in place for awhile. Here in CA, we had a 33% renewables mandated by 2020 law passed in 2006. The problem isn't political. It's financial and technological. Financial because most of these renewables are way more expensive and require rate hikes. Technological because energy storage sucks and most of these renewables can't be used for base load.

    Nuclear is not a necessity in the US like it MAY (I say may because I am skeptical but will take your word for it) be in Japan, and I think the current crisis going on there should make us seriously stop and think for a minute. The combination of wind, solar, tidal and geo-thermal could be quite effective here. Especially when you start consider the option of offshore wind farms which they have already approved in some parts of the NE.

    Wind and solar can't cover base lo
    ad. Tidal is too small in capacity. Geothermal is speculated to have the potential to cover only 10% of US capacity by 2050 and that's assuming demand won't skyrocket due to electric vehicles (which it will). That's also too small in capacity. For the US, there is no other option for base load generation other than coal, nuclear, or combined cycle natural gas. So all the replace nuclear/coal with green talk doesn't work.

    I'm kinda dumbfounded that electrical use in the US would be climbing when:

    * Lighting, computers, insulation, and hvac systems have all been dramatically improved in the last 20 years. Dramatically.
    * Our population growth rate.. oh wait. all those ****** people on the internet that act like you've gotta be ****** around and having kids all the time or you're a loser....


    20 years ago, you didn't have 3 TV's in every home. Wait til Electric Vehicles become mainstream.

    Apr 22, 11:15 PM
    I know my fair share of theists, and I think that they 'know' they're is a god. They see him in everything and feel him in their every action. I don't think that assuming near 100% certainty is too much of an overstatement.

    This is hitting on something important. A viewpoint that I would consider to be a belief is considered fact on the "inside". If something is considered fact then it is difficult to challenge. It would generally seem that atheists like the idea of scientific method and will be open to having their ideas questioned. In this case, I think agnostic atheist is where most sit. It's that distinction between belief and knowledge that I dislike.

    EDIT: Grammar

    Mar 14, 08:40 AM
    A voice of reason (read the whole thing):

    Rodimus Prime
    Mar 14, 09:05 AM
    My opinion: it's time to end the age of light-water cooled pressurized uranium-fueled reactors. There's so many drawbacks to this design it's not funny.

    Meanwhile, the new liquid fluoride thorium reactor (LFTR) is a vastly superior design that offers these advantages:

    1) It uses thorium 232, which is 200 times more abundant than fuel-quality uranium.
    2) The thorium fuel doesn't need to be made into fuel pellets like you need with uranium-235, substantially cutting the cost of fuel production.
    3) The design of LFTR makes it effectively meltdown proof.
    4) LFTR reactors don't need big cooling towers or access to a large body of water like uranium-fueled reactors do, substantially cutting construction costs.
    5) You can use spent uranium fuel rods as part of the fuel for an LFTR.
    6) The radioactive waste from an LFTR generated is a tiny fraction of what you get from a uranium reactor and the half-life of the waste is only a couple of hundred years, not tens of thousands of years. This means waste disposal costs will be a tiny fraction of disposing waste from a uranium reactor (just dump it into a disused salt mine).

    So what are we waiting for?

    Based on just that list I can assume several things. The biggest the LFTR reactors do not produce as much power for a given size because they use less water. They have less heat out put for a given size.

    While good to have them I do not see them being more cost effiective since they more than likely require a fair amount of R&D.;
    I know we could get a lot more power out of our current Urainuim power ones in terms of heat energy instead of losing as much to cooling. Also I believe part of the reasons for the huge cooling towers is so less thermal pollution happens.