europe map

europe map. poland europe mappoland europe
  • poland europe mappoland europe

  • Tones2
    Apr 26, 12:07 PM
    I'll stick to streaming audio AND video flawlessly off my own PC and have complete control and plenty of storage for free, using a $5 (one time charge) app. I see no benefits of the Apple cloud based scenario. But I can see huge disadvantages if Apple, in it's attempt to make money off this service, intentionally limits internal storage capacity in future devices.


    europe map. Europe Map
  • Europe Map

  • TheAnswer
    Jul 24, 07:21 PM
    I love my Mighty Mouse, and I even bought a second one after I accidently fried one (put one of the interior connections in backwards, doh!) after a deep cleaning session. Too bad it looks like they couldn't figure out how to place the batteries directly under the scroll ball and expose the scroll ball workings a bit more to make it easier to go it with some canned air and a q-tip and degunkify it.

    europe map. Heart Deaths In Europe Map
  • Heart Deaths In Europe Map

  • mingspace
    Oct 24, 08:45 AM
    I apologize for the big letters. I'm a mac newb and this will be my first mac. I have been waiting for this new macbook to buy and whats funny is that I walked into the Mac Store yesterday, the guy new everything about the product but seemed a little too clueless about the product cycle. He was like.. "uh, could be next February but no one ever knows". I asked how releases are typically handled for macs. He replies "I'm not really sure. It's anyone's guess". So I knew he was trying to avoid talking about it.

    europe map. Europe Map Physical Features.
  • Europe Map Physical Features.

  • Phil A.
    Aug 15, 04:11 PM
    A lot of the features look great but the Spotlight screenshot has me worried. It looks like very little has changed with the results. The biggest failure of Spotlight for me has been the lack of the ability to sort your results by modification date. I used to use the find file to look for items on our server all the time, now it is totally useless because they show up alphabetically. I would have hoped that Apple would have gotten wise about that with Leopard. Apparently they havent listened to all the Mac users who think that Spotlight in Tiger is trash.

    You can sort by date now in spotlight (at least the main spotlight search from the menu bar) - just click "show all" at the top of your spotlight results list and you get a new window that will allow you to sort and group the results to your heart's content. As spotlight will be extended to cover data on servers in Leopard I guess that functionality will be available across network files

    europe map. in Central Europe Map
  • in Central Europe Map

  • opeter
    Mar 31, 10:31 AM
    It would be nice, if the user could change the windows (UI) color in MacOS X like this can already be done in Windows / Linux.

    So, that you could change the grey look to something else. They could integrate the color chooser, like you have, when you work with fonts etc.

    After all, Mac is sold to consumers, so why not give them the choise of colors, at least in their programs, if their computers are cold/neutrla grey/silver/white colored?

    europe map. Clickable map of Europe
  • Clickable map of Europe

  • twoodcc
    Sep 18, 11:24 PM
    anyone with a newer mac pro or xserve can kill in the stats. should be a nice incentive. i am excited about mac folding for the first time in a while

    i wonder how the octo 2.26 does

    europe map. europe political maps .
  • europe political maps .

  • Michael Scrip
    May 4, 04:08 AM
    I don't think Apple can continuously afford to do that though. Everyone can see that Android is making a stand and a strong one at that. Improving market share more than others still while some are even declining.

    Let's be clear... "Android" is an OS from Google that you can find on dozens of phones from many manufacturers.

    Apple knows they can't compete with that. And they're not. Marketshare is not a goal. For instance... Android has more marketshare... now what?

    It's Mac vs Windows all over again. Windows is crushing Macs 10 to 1. Dell and HP have sales that dwarf the Mac. But is Apple really in trouble with the Mac?

    Apple sells phones... and quite a lot of them. 18 million iPhones last quarter... and 16 million in the previous quarter. Any other manufacturer would kill for those numbers.

    If iPhone sales drop to ZERO... then we can talk about Apple rethinking their strategy. Until then... Apple will continue to sell hundreds of thousands of phones every day... further positioning themselves away from bankruptcy.

    europe map. Continental-Europe-map.png‎
  • Continental-Europe-map.png‎

  • djkny
    Oct 24, 08:13 AM
    one bit of good news -- the "older" standard 15" MBP refurbs are now only $1449!

    europe map. 419 AFF Europe
  • 419 AFF Europe

  • maclaptop
    Apr 22, 09:37 AM
    QImage (

    Tom Cruise, John Travolta & Steve Jobs at their finest.

    europe map<br/>. Eastern Europe map. Soft Power
  • Eastern Europe map. Soft Power

  • macgrl
    Jun 22, 07:58 AM
    oops. at least it got resolved .:)

    europe map. Europe / Europe
  • Europe / Europe

  • bbarnhart
    Oct 18, 09:47 PM
    An example of a "cash cow"

    Microsoft Windows XP
    Microsoft Office

    Nearly everything else MS does is at a loss or does not generate a lot of cash.

    europe map. Europe outline map - Travel
  • Europe outline map - Travel

  • KnightWRX
    Dec 31, 08:40 AM
    In a physical sense, weight loss is simple. Burn more calories than you consume. Keeping it off means burning the same amount of calories you consume. Eating certain foods (ex broccoli, tea, DARK chocolate) have beneficial effects and are proven to increase the metabolism. Yes, the mechanics behind it are easy.

    Which was my point. The problem with going beyond the mechanics in broad discussions like this is that every individual is different, but every individual's weight control comes down to the same basic mechanic.

    I'd rather leave it to individuals themselves to work out what isn't working in their caloric balance, because in the end, they are the best placed to do that.

    Eating food often is an addictive tendency. Yes, to a degree it is individual choice, but it does cause results which hurts all of society as you noted. With that said, you have to see obesity as a problem with multiple causes and that there is almost always an underlying cause (ex: people eat more when they are depressed). The lady in this particular article however defies all logic as larger people do not want to be obese.

    And I've said as much with my last posts. For morbid obesity, there's almost always something non-physical behind it which over the years has turned into physical disability. It's a "choice" in a sense, the choice to not fix the underlying issue. The thing with obesity is that it can stem from the same issues that brings alcoholism, gambling or drug abuse.

    Most importantly, obesity will grow in both prevalence and level of negative effects until a holistic system of living healthy becomes standardized, which thus far, has not occurred to the level needed to start to lower obesity rates. Obesity is both a physical and psychological condition, and I would argue it is also a disease.

    There is one interesting point I haven't brought up. For the US at least, there is one outside factor that is not 100% under the individual's control. The Corn Industry. You guys are being fed HFCS in everything if you aren't careful about the products you buy and high fructose corn syrup has been shown to cause weight gain :

    When rats are drinking high-fructose corn syrup at levels well below those in soda pop, they're becoming obese -- every single one, across the board. Even when rats are fed a high-fat diet, you don't see this; they don't all gain extra weight."

    HFCS does the exact opposite of what it is supposed to do for you, instead of filling you up, it actually makes you more hungry, which then results in busting your caloric balance (since it is a dense calorie additive to begin with). McDonald's addiction ? Look no further than this. I'm sure everyone here has eaten a bigmac with fries, which in and of itself is a big meal (but not abusive, only sitting at 920 calories ( for the sandwich and medium fries with no sugared soft drink), and have felt hungry 20 minutes later. That's just insane. On the other hand, you go to Subway, eat a 6 inch sandwich and a chip, which is about the same quantity of food, you get only 2/3rds the calories and you don't feel hunger until you're ready for a late afternoon snack.

    europe map. Islam and Muslims in Europe
  • Islam and Muslims in Europe

  • Eidorian
    May 3, 08:47 AM
    Apple refurbed are the best you can find in most cases.

    Apple never puts previously damaged hardware on the refurbed store, only open boxed then returned products, or products at End Of Life (EOL). You will find TONS of the previous models on there for 15% off or more.

    Any damaged goods always get parted out and used as Genius Bar parts for repair.

    There are TONS of things I don't like about Apple, but they actually do refurbished good very very well.I strongly suggest against a refurbished model of older revisions. It is similar to purchasing a Core 2 model. The base 21.5" Sandy Bridge once it hits refurb would be tempting at ~$999.

    Right, which is why I really need to wait for the Pro, just to see if it's price is reasonable, and if it really makes it a worthy and expandable option over the iMac.

    I would've chosen the iMac over the Mac Pro in the last iteration of either machine. This new iMac is making the "expandable" option a little more moot.

    I will learn how to solder and service an iMac if it saves me $1000+
    This is the first worthwhile iMac solely based on the stillborn potential of Thunderbolt and the quad on the base models. It only took 5 years.

    europe map. Europe map
  • Europe map

  • Salacion
    Apr 22, 06:04 PM
    If it has the teardrop shape I will not buy it. I hate the look of the iPod Touch.

    europe map. western europe map.jpg
  • western europe map.jpg

  • brepublican
    Jul 21, 05:26 PM
    On a side note, who actually voted negatively for this news item? It makes no sense
    Not that I did, but it doesnt have to. Besides, some people feel negatively about Apple's increase in share; there are a few cons...

    europe map. Europe map
  • Europe map

  • TheMacFeed
    Oct 20, 09:24 PM

    This (


    This (

    one is better?
    Nothing else really.

    europe map. on Europe map in different
  • on Europe map in different

  • Wolfmore
    Apr 25, 10:08 PM
    Add a third option, 24" with a 16:10 ratio and a matte option. Easier on the eyes and more vertical space. The 27" was murder on my eyes and I had to sell mine.

    europe map. Map of Europe Geography
  • Map of Europe Geography

  • InuNacho
    Apr 13, 10:52 PM
    While I would never buy an "iTV" it does sound somewhat interesting sorta like how the Apple TV sounded interesting at first.

    I could see an iTV that essentially is a big giant wireless monitor for Macs/iDevices. It could have cameras on it so that you could use Facetime or whatever it's called with others. Maybe cheaper TV shows and stuff off the iTunes store.

    While we may all doubt it at first like so many did when the iPad first came out, I wouldn't be surprised if something like this becomes a monster hit.

    europe map. the map of Europequot;.
  • the map of Europequot;.

  • Small White Car
    Sep 30, 09:37 AM
    Apple didn't necessarily want an exclusive carrier. That does nothing for Apple's business. AT&T; obviously paid for Apple's exclusivity.

    So you're saying that AT&T; gives Apple money...but that does nothing for Apple's business?

    Mar 16, 09:53 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8B117 Safari/6531.22.7)

    They said they have some 16 gig wifi, and some verizons in stock but no at&t;'s. I don't think they have enough for the whole line though.

    Apr 25, 03:50 PM
    Really? People downing the product already before we even know what it's going to have? Really?
    Or are there people just trolling for a response?

    ...way too premature for a stupid comment like "matte finish or fail". Yeah, they rake in $16 billion a year, I am sure they will be bankrupt before the year is out if they dont have a matte iMac..... LMAO

    Apr 25, 12:39 PM
    Never going to have a matte screen lol

    Grab a U2711:)

    Mar 31, 12:32 PM
    You guys cant tell me a color HONESTLY bothers you that much???

    what's the color of your car? how about your couch? how about your suit?

    appearance matters especially if you are looking at it constantly :mad:

    Apr 14, 03:01 PM
    I use my 3GS everyday at work as my ipod. After work, i get in my truck plug my phone in...43- 50%. After the 4.3.1 update i my phone went dead after 5 hours of ipod play. I had to turn off all location services, ect to squeek through the 8 hour day and plug it in after work at under 10% :confused:. Hope this update fixes the battery drain issue!

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