continents of world

continents of world. world map continents blank.
  • world map continents blank.

  • Savage Henry
    Sep 16, 04:55 AM
    Top-10 positions are all well and good, but I want to see some real hord-core unit figures that fully show the penetration the iMac G5 is having.

    Obviously I won't get that, but it's what I want anyway.

    Pointless rant aside, it is pleasing.

    continents of world. World continent map
  • World continent map

  • mbl42
    Nov 30, 06:01 PM
    I would be willing to trade my 200GB Seagate IDE HD for the Bluetooth Apple mouse. PM or email me if we can work something out.

    continents of world. world map continents labeled.
  • world map continents labeled.

  • Sparky's
    Nov 4, 06:34 PM
    Dreadnought, I just installed InCrease (Dual version) on the X-serve a few days ago and it kicks A**. I goes through 50-60 point GROMACS in less than 10 hours. tonight i checked my status before leaving work and I was #140 but the time I got home I was #139. I think I've gained one or two positions a day since getting the server folding:D when we get the company squared away I will have 2 additional DELLs up and folding and 2 more Macs in the fray for a total of 9 CPUs doing Folding. But you're right about passing.... it's like a NASCAR race you can catch em, but passing another story..;) but we'll see:rolleyes:

    continents of world. world map continents outline.
  • world map continents outline.

  • Rodimus Prime
    May 4, 02:57 PM
    They probably would have just picked up and left after that five year reprieve. That has happened multiple times where I live - the factories come for tenish years, their tax exemption ends, and they leave. Then the massive local unemployment starts again
    not surprised in the least. I think states should put other requirements on if they leave after there tax exemption with in X number of years they are required to pay all taxes during the exemption as well basically lose tax exempt status.
    Apparently, a coalition of state retailers weighed in and convinced the legislature that not having to collect taxes would give Amazon an unfair sales advantage.

    Honestly I am glad seeing more and more states stand up to like this. SC is just another state and Amazon is going to quickly run out places to go and more or less be forced to play hard ball. If anything I believe a national law should be passed.

    continents of world. CONTINENTS OF THE WORLD

  • nednarm
    Apr 1, 12:57 PM
    I can't figure this one out. I successfully jailbroke my 1st gen iPad after using pwnage tool and tetheredboot.

    However when I open cydia and do the required updates it asks me to reboot, so I do so but it keeps on going through a boot loop.
    I then put it in DFU and do the tetheredboot command in terminal but it fails every time saying:

    Macintosh-6:~ Eddy$ /Users/Eddy/Desktop/tetheredboot/tetheredboot -i/Users/Eddy/Desktop/tetheredboot/iBSS.k48ap.RELEASE.dfu -k/Users/Eddy/Desktop/tetheredboot/kernelcache.release.k48
    Initializing libpois0n
    Waiting for device to enter DFU mode
    opening device 05ac:1227...
    Found device in DFU mode
    Checking if device is compatible with this jailbreak
    Checking the device type
    Identified device as iPad1,1
    Preparing to upload limera1n exploit
    Resetting device counters
    Sending chunk headers
    Sending exploit payload
    Sending fake data
    libusb:error [darwin_transfer_status] transfer error: timed out
    libusb:error [darwin_reset_device] ResetDevice: device not responding
    Exploit sent
    Reconnecting to device
    libusb:error [darwin_close] USBDeviceClose: no connection to an IOService
    Waiting 2 seconds for the device to pop up...
    Connection failed. Waiting 1 sec before retry.
    Connection failed. Waiting 1 sec before retry.
    Connection failed. Waiting 1 sec before retry.
    Connection failed. Waiting 1 sec before retry.
    Connection failed. Waiting 1 sec before retry.
    Connection failed. Waiting 1 sec before retry.
    Connection failed. Waiting 1 sec before retry.
    Connection failed. Waiting 1 sec before retry.
    Connection failed. Waiting 1 sec before retry.
    Connection failed. Waiting 1 sec before retry.
    Command completed successfully
    Unable to reconnect
    Unable to upload exploit data
    Exploit injection failed!

    So then my only option is to restore again through itunes and rejailbreak which means I loose the updates I install. I've done this about 5 times now and it's really pissing me off.

    Is snowbreeze more reliable then the method I'm using? If so I may have to boot in bootcamp and try.

    continents of world. blank map of world continents.
  • blank map of world continents.

  • RobertD33
    Jul 6, 07:39 PM
    I'm planning on camping out at the bardstown AT&T.; Anyone else?

    continents of world. continents the world map
  • continents the world map

  • wordoflife
    Apr 8, 02:29 PM

    continents of world. Outline World Map outline maps
  • Outline World Map outline maps

  • IwantImac
    May 6, 09:27 AM

    Soon, I will hopefully buy my first iMac. It's going to be the 21,5 inch based model. But reading the posts here on the forums makes me hesitate. Most of the threads are just about problems with the iMac. So I wanted to know what you really think of the iMac.

    Remember: I'm not going to do extraordinary things with it: replacing hard drives, adding more RAM, or driving the software to it's limit, etc.

    To do so I want you to give a score out of 1 to 10.

    Please help out.

    continents of world. continents of world. world map
  • continents of world. world map

  • colourfulclock
    May 23, 04:55 AM

    Does anyone know of any cases that give the ipod touch the brushed aluminium 'ipad-like' look?

    I think it would be awesome! :)

    Or any other good metal cases?

    continents of world. continents of world. world
  • continents of world. world

  • GotPro
    Jan 17, 04:10 PM
    I think Steve is going to be there giving free macbookair's away for free as no one is buying them

    Um, not to be a jerk... but... it no one is buying them then why do they currently hold the #4 best selling notebook position at Amazon... and they aren't even available yet????

    continents of world. How do I want continents,
  • How do I want continents,

  • CaptainCaveMann
    Nov 28, 07:22 PM
    It all depends. I liked the V600 better than the V400 for these reasons.

    It was made out of Metal/Aluminium instead of plastic.
    I seemed to be able to hear better on it. Although i think it was do mainly to ergonomics.
    I liked the look and feel of it much better. To me the V400 was the beta, and the V600 was the final product.

    I value style, and durability, so I went with the V600. Also, I had a V60 which I loved. Possibly the best phone I have ever owned, and the V600 remind me much of it. I'm sure was a big part of my decision.

    And as for battery life, if I remember correctly it was about the same. No huge difference.

    So I guess if your an average user, The V400 is a good fit.

    BTW, I dont think Cingular sells the V600 anymore. I think they replaced it with a 500 series phone. Which is made out of plastic :(Well im using the samsung sgh-x427 non m model and i like it except for the fact that it will only hold 3 downloaded full audio ring tones which is freakin lame imo only 3!! I mean come on. Also its not a camera phone and the battery is less than satisfactory. I want a camera phone with great battery life, i do a lot of text meseging and on the phone all the time i want something that will last me at least 4 days without having to run to my life saving charger. Am i asking to much? ah well come on cingular the technology is there isnt it :cool:

    continents of world. continents, World Anthems
  • continents, World Anthems

  • iFiend
    May 4, 02:48 PM
    The only person with the source is I0n1c and he was out of the country last update so it took him some time to compile new binaries for the release (if needed).

    This could also be why it's not patched yet - with no access to the source it's harder for Apple to reverse engineer the exploit and discover what they are doing. With a need to get the update out so fast they probably didn't bother. I expect it to be in the next patch though.....

    Thanks for the info. Wouldn't it be great if this was some sort of super hack that Apple can't figure out how to patch?

    I can dream, right? ;)

    continents of world. world map continents
  • world map continents

  • appleguy123
    May 16, 05:52 PM
    It doesn't say that you do. Looks real though. I'm not the seller.

    continents of world. Continents map, World Map,
  • Continents map, World Map,

  • podsorcerer09
    Apr 17, 04:01 PM
    I've been carefully monitoring the processor loads on my c2d macbook (the black one) to see what kind of processor I would be needing if I buy an air. The decision is really between the 1.86 and 2.13

    My loads are:
    1.03 .93. 87

    These are with chrome and itunes and terminal running along with ical and the likes. nothing too heavy.
    Any advice on which processor?

    continents of world. Map Of The World Continents
  • Map Of The World Continents

  • Smtevo
    May 1, 05:04 PM
    Yeah I am pretty sure it will work with the iPhone 4 because that is what it is being tested on right now. Supposed to be announced in June also.

    continents of world. World Map in Hindi -
  • World Map in Hindi -

  • DougJrS
    Jan 24, 07:17 PM
    Why would it cost you any large amount of money to move your phone line? You could just go to the local electronics store and get some phone wire and move it yourself.

    The Airport Extreme has a modem in it if you don't want to move the phone line and you are limited to dialup.


    continents of world. world map 7 continents
  • world map 7 continents

  • alust2013
    Apr 24, 01:11 AM
    It was fairly recently, and I don't often let it go to sleep, so I honestly haven't noticed yet, although I think I did catch it working right earlier today.

    continents of world. world map continents together.
  • world map continents together.

  • neocell
    Sep 20, 02:38 AM
    Well crap. Is Hitler back from the dead or something?


    Bad joke. I'm tired. Night-night.
    This is a good night for random outbursts of laughter. Now that I have spittle all over my PB's screen from this one I can try WillMak's ( cleansing solution. :D

    continents of world. world map continents and
  • world map continents and

  • patrick0brien
    Jul 25, 03:21 PM

    I is possible that your backlight may be failing.

    And LCD's backlight will fail eventually, but that takes years and years. If yours is failing now, I hope you have AppleCare or something.

    Do you think that this is what is happening?

    Sep 18, 02:47 PM
    We have dozens of places around here (including EB Games) that will buy used cds. Some will give you cash, some may give you a better deal in credit. I believe some places online are and I think that's how you spell them. If you do a search, you can probably find them if those address are wrong.

    Apr 6, 03:34 PM
    Now THIS is what I'm talking about.

    Mar 10, 03:41 PM
    The issue wasn't addressed in 4.3. Apple doesn't find it a problem. They did it on purpose. Is anyone working on a way to fix this? It seems that the reduction of power has to be a software control not a hardware control thus it should be able to be changed by someone with programming/jailbreak experience. Any help would be appreciated!

    Too bad - I know it can be resolved by using a powered USB hub for the connection, but that's not very elegant. I was hoping perhaps Apple would have conceded that there are some very good reasons for reinstating the 100 mA limit. On the plus side, I hadn't spent the money on the connector yet.

    May 3, 04:27 PM
    clear the porn out of your Safari history!
    If you wipe the SSD, as the OP indicated, there IS no Safari history left.... or Safari.

    Dec 24, 09:33 AM
    Requires the updated version of the Calendar. I keep meaning to upgrade since I finally meet all the prereqs, but so many people had issues when they first rolled this out that I just haven't budgeted the time (to fix what it might screw up in my calendards) to get this done.

    roadbloc, I see what you mean, but it would be nice to be able to add an event on a friend's computer and still be able to get the alert on my iPhone. Right now I can create an event on but the actual alert has to be set up from my iPhone (or from Calendar on my Mac).

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