college students cartoon

college students cartoon. Graduation cartoon 5 - search
  • Graduation cartoon 5 - search

  • Arran
    Dec 29, 11:30 AM

    I rest my case!

    And that reminds me, I need a new office chair. Broke the old one.

    college students cartoon. college students who make
  • college students who make

  • emotion
    Jul 25, 09:38 AM
    In the UK edu prices:
    £31 for Mighty Mouse and £35 for the Bluetooth version.

    Not too bad I guess. I'll be holding out for the black version though :)

    Edit: Ignore the prices folks...looking at the wrong one.....doh!

    college students cartoon. College+student+studying+
  • College+student+studying+

  • pondosinatra
    Mar 31, 11:44 AM
    Awesome! Yet ANOTHER interface style.

    Hey Apple at this point, why not just give new cutesy styles to every built in app and every iWork and iLife app?


    college students cartoon. College+student+studying+
  • College+student+studying+

  • yg17
    Apr 29, 03:22 PM
    You like lossy compression? How 1990's of you.

    iTunes is lossy too :rolleyes:

    Edit: And glad to see someone downrated me for stating a fact. Real mature.

    college students cartoon. this cartoon from artist,
  • this cartoon from artist,

  • sickracer2015
    Apr 24, 09:27 PM
    whats not to say someone just changed the carrier name? I don't own an iphone but I did search and its totally possible.

    I don't see a reason apple would need to create an iPhone for T-Mobile if the AT&T; plan goes through. If it's rejected than maybe thats a reason then to possibly go on T-Mobile.

    college students cartoon. This cartoon depicts a college
  • This cartoon depicts a college

  • ten-oak-druid
    Apr 25, 12:40 PM
    matte screen option or fail.

    Given that the option is available for the macbook pro, I'd guess the imacs will get them.

    college students cartoon. College Students cartoon 2 - search ID sban448. college students cartoons, college students cartoon, college students picture, college students pictures,
  • College Students cartoon 2 - search ID sban448. college students cartoons, college students cartoon, college students picture, college students pictures,

  • alexf
    Oct 18, 10:32 PM
    Why, my friend, by "the iPod is Apple's cash cow", you imply that there is only one cash cow. But if you want to use the traditional definition (;=*&Query;=cash+cow) of "cash cow", "a project that generates a continuous flow of money," then the Mac would be more of a cash cow than the iPod, because it has always represented a larger proportion of Apple's profits and revenues. Not once has the iPod represented more of Apple's revenues. So the Mac generates a larger continuous flow of money.

    Not sure what set of rules of logic you are using, but either way you are wrong. The Mac is still more important to Apple's bottom line than the iPod. Apple is also innovating more on the Mac than with the iPod.

    By the way, you might want to look up the definition of the word "emotional" as well. I'm using facts, you're making things up.

    Listen, it's quite simple: For over 25 years Apple was a maker of almost exclusively personal computers and software. Five years ago, they introduced the iPod, followed by the music store (and now video, etc.). All of a sudden - within a period of only five years - iPod and music/video related sales account for almost half of their profit, and soon - by many estimates - will account for at least a full half (and possibly more).

    Now, do you think that Apple considers the iPod and the iTunes Music Store a cash cow? Hmmm... :rolleyes:

    college students cartoon. The Money Student » Learn the
  • The Money Student » Learn the

  • hulugu
    Dec 2, 06:56 PM
    I voted "yes" becuase I'm concerned what this will do PR-wise for Apple, not so much about actual security concern. "LMH" may claim he's not an Apple-hater but a few things poke out from the interview:

    What I read from this passage is:

    college students cartoon. college students,
  • college students,

  • spiderman0616
    Apr 28, 11:22 AM
    I'm honestly surprised by a lot of you. The whole "no single android phone outsells the iPhone!" argument, is foolish and weak. It's a platform war. You basically get ONE CHOICE with the iPhone. Now it's a great choice, but of course it's going to be a top seller as a result. There are so many good Android choices out there that a single model isn't going to dwarf the others. Since there are, you know, options? As a platform it seems iOS is getting whooped on. Does that not register, or are people that much in denial?

    Now myself, I like my iPhone, but come this case we are talking about platforms...So weird...

    It's a platform war, but not in the way that a lot of people think it is. Developers are making a lot more money on iOS because it has a lot more users and those users tend to buy things. Therefore, those users are going to get the developers' attention first. That may change later, but for now, it's not going to.

    The marketshare game does not work in this battle, at least not for now. And it's not an even fight in more ways than one. When Apple goes to all carriers (it will in time) in the US, this is all going to look a lot different. Android may still "win" in terms of sheer numbers, but it will be a much closer fight, and iPhone will still have the mind share.

    I knew a lot of my friends and family would go iPhone once it went to Verizon, but I am really really surprised to find out that it's a lot more people than I even thought. One friend of mine JUST got her Droid 2 a few months ago and dumped it immediately for the Verizon iPhone the other day. She was a self proclaimed "Android person".

    People who settled for Android are changing their tune. This is going to get really interesting.

    college students cartoon. This cartoon offends you?
  • This cartoon offends you?

  • Chip NoVaMac
    Apr 13, 11:13 PM
    This makes me sad. The palm pre part. It was a great phone, but unfortunately its hardware was terrible. It may have been to palm what the iPod was to Apple if only they hadn't slacked in that area. Quite a shame...

    I was a Treo 650 user when the 1st iPhone was released. Tried some other smart phones at the time before getting my 1st iPhone. Never looked back, and held out to upgrade my 1st iPhone to the iPhone 4.

    Have played with friends Droid phones, and it left me wanting for my iPhone's.

    college students cartoon. College+students+studying+
  • College+students+studying+

  • mulo
    May 3, 07:36 AM
    i'm not seeing them in the store

    college students cartoon. (Almost) Admirable Students by
  • (Almost) Admirable Students by

  • puckhead193
    Oct 28, 01:35 PM
    i want wireless mics for my NX5U so i don't have to deal with cables anymore.
    Also I would love to order my car. Lexus RX 450H almost fully loaded. I don't need the the rear DVD player as I don't have kids. ;)

    college students cartoon. College+students+studying+
  • College+students+studying+

  • jessica.
    Jan 25, 09:12 PM
    Same here, sure beats apartment life eh? :)
    Hah yes most days. :)
    The most awesome prop ever for my toy trains! :cool: :o


    I want to see the whole setup.

    college students cartoon. and college students can
  • and college students can

  • batchtaster
    Jun 6, 09:53 AM
    sure. apple has no problem giving a refund, as they keep their 30% that the developer now has to pay. that's a cool $300 that apple just ripped off from the developer all to protect their mistake and their idiot customers.

    And you're basing this conclusion jumping on, what? You win for the most ill-informed, knee-jerk, baseless response in this thread.

    college students cartoon. Students look at
  • Students look at

  • Moyank24
    Apr 27, 12:18 AM
    How did I become Plutonius' most-likely-a-ww vote on the very first day? I've been a WW before, and a Special before, making me anything but a Villager would be pretty obvious.

    You do know that our roles are assigned via right?

    college students cartoon. survey of college students
  • survey of college students

  • Mystikal
    Mar 15, 08:21 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8B117 Safari/6531.22.7)

    Nice! That gives me hope! I'll be at the spectrum in half an hour.

    Me and 2 others now. Glad I wasn't the only one to get info. Gonna be a fun morning.

    college students cartoon. Which Art Student Are You?
  • Which Art Student Are You?

  • Yamcha
    Mar 31, 12:07 PM
    That looks really ugly, and that is coming from a web designer :P.. I liked the original look, but It's not something I'm too concerned about, since its just a calendar app.. I can manage..

    But I do hope to see something better in the final release..

    college students cartoon. of student newspaper »
  • of student newspaper »

  • Azadre
    Apr 13, 08:19 PM
    Might get this, might not. Don't do contracts so it would be a simple case of buying and selling. Something most people I know do. You lot (Americans) should start doing the same and stop being beholden to 24 month contracts.

    You're going to pay the same rate for your service regardless of subsidy status of your iPhone. Why pay $650 when you can pay $200?

    college students cartoon. resolutions for students
  • resolutions for students

  • rjtyork
    Apr 22, 04:56 PM
    nah. I doubt they would do this. .2 inches is not that much bigger and would cause problems with designing apps to look good on it. I can see a 4 inch screen, and them getting rid of the home button. What they'll do for the home button is make the screen clickable at the bottom where the home button used to be. It would be similar to squeezing a magic trackpad. That would enable them to get rid of the home button and expand the screen to that area, making it a 4 inch screen. I can also see the area above the screen and next to the camera and ear piece become touch sensitive, enabling "drag down" menus that would enable multitasking or enable quick settings. For example, you could drag down from one corner to get multitasking menu and switch back to a different app, (8 instead of 4, I hope) and drag down from the other corner to quickly adjust screen brightness and turn your wifi hotspot on or off. They may also make the back touch sensitive, but I can't imagine a use for that, so I don't know what they'll do with it. But they made a glass back for a reason. I think they have a really good idea of what to do with a touch sensitive back.

    Apr 22, 04:24 PM
    I would be really disappointed to see a metal backing like iPod Touch has. My previous iPods from the past are so jacked up on the backside with scratches and dents. I know I'm not alone with this.

    I'd prefer if the iPhone retained a glass backing like on the iPhone 4; I think it's just so sexy. But if they were going to move to metal I'd prefer an iPad-style backing.

    Aug 15, 09:14 PM
    Is anyone else bothered by the button to buy more batteries?

    Yes, it seems like a Microsoft thing.

    It's actually a very Apple thing to do. Apple has always been about making a totally integrated, complete end-to-end computing environment and Apple has also always been dedicated to transforming things that had been difficult for non-techies to do into some so simple and effective that even advanced technical users decide it's the best method. This is probably not the first time an option to buy hardware has been built into software, but just like Time Machine is revolutionary because it's the first SIMPLE file-by-file backup system and not because it's the first backup system ever, so too this "Buy Battery" button is revolutionary because of how simple and integrated it is.

    I'm hardly an Apple apologist, I complain quite loudly when they do things that are lame. But I think this is a very Apple thing to do and a feature that isn't just a built in advertisement. If I had an OS X button to buy a new battery when I wanted one, rather than tracking down the battery model number I needed and having to worry about who to buy from and bothering with technical details, I'd definitely appreciate being able to just click that button.

    Making the entire computer experience simple, easy and fun is what Apple has always been about, and this is a natural continuation of those ideals. In fact, I hope they expand this functionality to include upgrading ram and hard disks (as long as they don't go overboard with the prices like in the b.t.o. options at the apple store).

    Really this is a wonderful new breakthrough in Apple's quest for computing easiness.

    Jul 25, 01:50 AM
    At last, I've been waiting for this since the Mighty Mouse was announced. I still don't understand why Apple didn't release a BT version in the first place. Maybe a WWDC announcement??

    Heavy Fluid
    Oct 21, 06:04 PM
    Gary Fisher Paragon 29er. Please.

    May 3, 08:18 AM
    MBP doesn't have a fast enough GPU. I use my iMac primarily for development. Need raw GHz, not so much multiple-cores.

    Won't sell it. It'll be handed down to family.

    ok that makes sense.

    anyway people, iMac does not keep the resale value compared to the MB/MBPs they are very good machine though.

    I loved mine, it has been for two years, booting from external SSD, very nice for my usage.

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