Nissan Altima Hybrid 2010

Nissan Altima Hybrid 2010. 2010 Nissan Altima Hybrid
  • 2010 Nissan Altima Hybrid

  • Squonk
    Sep 26, 10:21 AM
    I can't wait to get my hands on an iPhone- I'm getting tired of my SLVR. As soon as the iPhone launches I'm throwing my SLVR in to a river. This is starting to become tradition, there must be a half dozen old cell phones of mine which have been cast in to the briny deep. What a liberating experience.

    Dude! The Sierra Club would appreciate if you donated the phones to them instead! :D

    Nissan Altima Hybrid 2010. Nissan Altima 2010 comes with
  • Nissan Altima 2010 comes with

  • dethmaShine
    Apr 20, 11:03 AM
    All I've seen is one paragraph claiming that. Until someone shows data from when location services was turned off it's hard to run with it.

    Applogist? Jesus, that's such a sad bastardization of words. I'm trying to apply reasoning to this and have people understand that they've likely agreed to something because they don't read the ToS or SLA.

    You are an ApPologist. Take it and go. :D

    Leave the trolls alone, please. :D

    Nissan Altima Hybrid 2010. 2010 Nissan Altima Hybrid:
  • 2010 Nissan Altima Hybrid:

  • pmz
    Apr 22, 01:24 PM
    The funny part is, no matter what Apple does to make this work, whether its really usable, or totally locked-in-worthless, it doesn't matter.

    Streaming will never be as good as audio stored on your device. Not. Ever.

    Not on 3G, not on 4G, and not even over WiFi. The software and streaming protocols are way too slow to offer even comparable performance.

    I'll stick with syncing/file storage.

    Nissan Altima Hybrid 2010. 2010 Nissan Altima Hybrid
  • 2010 Nissan Altima Hybrid

  • prospervic
    Apr 25, 02:31 PM
    Great. Since Apple puts that crap hard drive in there, instead of simply using the computer someone has to go through all that trouble to get what they paid for (i7 processor)? Are you for real? That sounds great. I'm sure all those random people who buy from the Apple Store also buy the Apple torx screwdriver kit and get to work when they get home. :rolleyes:

    I recently changed the hard drive in my 2011 MBP. Electronics-size Phillips-head screwdrivers (No. 0 and No. 00) are all that's needed. Anybody who's handy with tools can do the job in about 15 minutes.

    Even though the 7200 rpm HD is not as fast as an SSD, the difference in boot-up, app launch and overall operation speeds are quite noticeable (with no observable change in battery life).

    Nissan Altima Hybrid 2010. 2007 Nissan Altima Hybrid
  • 2007 Nissan Altima Hybrid

  • breakfastcrew
    Aug 28, 07:30 PM
    ha ha I predict nothing until after the school rebate in the US is over. ;) at least the consumer products.

    Nissan Altima Hybrid 2010. 2010 Nissan Altima Hybrid Dark
  • 2010 Nissan Altima Hybrid Dark

  • starflyer
    Apr 4, 12:21 PM
    If they were running away and unarmed then the security guard was in the wrong.

    Tennessee v Garner says that you cannot shoot an unarmed fleeing felon in the back.

    I was being sarcastic. They were not running away and unarmed. They opened fire on the security guard. The use of lethal force was justified.

    Nissan Altima Hybrid 2010. 2012 nissan altima hybrid 2010
  • 2012 nissan altima hybrid 2010

  • NY Guitarist
    Apr 30, 05:43 PM
    Those guys must not have existed before the advent of LCD monitors... what did those guys do with the big glass tubes ?

    Bought monitors with anti-glare coatings. And monitor hoods.

    Nissan Altima Hybrid 2010. 2010 Nissan Altima Hybrid
  • 2010 Nissan Altima Hybrid

  • Willis
    Sep 10, 05:39 AM
    Well at least people who have brought MacPros can breathe easy now for a while. Basically because these Kentsfield's arent pin compatable with Woodcrest.

    However, trying to find a product that can take conroe is sort of pointless. There's no proof or rumours that Apple are working on a Midrange tower. AND even if Apple did release one with just a Conroe chip in it, it would eat iMac sales.

    It'd be nice to see one, but not likely

    Nissan Altima Hybrid 2010. 2007 Nissan Altima Hybrid
  • 2007 Nissan Altima Hybrid

  • eye
    Mar 23, 05:27 PM
    If any of you had ever lost someone or had someone that you loved seriously injured by a drunk driver - you'd want this app pulled.

    0 good can come from drunk driving. I don't know anyone (intelligent person) who would say otherwise. Constitutional or not, who in the world would want to encourage a drunk person to get behind the wheel? ..which is exactly what these apps do. I'm sure that there's a percentage of drunk drivers who have ventured out on the roads only because they had the convenience of these apps - when otherwise, they would have gotten a ride or sobered up first.

    Ummm...nobody is saying drunk driving is good. Where are people getting this from?

    Nissan Altima Hybrid 2010. 2010 Nissan Altima Hybrid Dark
  • 2010 Nissan Altima Hybrid Dark

  • stol
    Apr 11, 07:26 AM
    This is great news, I've been waiting for something like that for ages.

    For all those people that fail to see how it could be useful, consider the following scenarios:

    I got my Mac connected to some great speakers.
    Now, a friend comes by for a visit, brings along his laptop and we want to hear some music from his iTunes --> messy cables, my friend standing with his laptop by the amplifier because that cable is short (�)
    Another friend comes over. We want to listen to music from his/her iPod/iPhone/iPad --> messy cables.
    My beloved speakers are self-amplified and connected directly to my mac or say, an external sound card --> even more complicated!
    Same friends, different room - let's say a living room with a HTPC --> More cables.

    All this could be accomplished with a few airport express units across the house which is somehow a luxury option money-wise and somehow redundant since I already have a wireless router and at least one computer up and running. Also, it would probably create more of a mess with the aforementioned setup (I would need a multiple input amplifier for my living room or an extra mixer for self-amplified speakers). Don't get me wrong, I think AX is a great device and I'll probably get one someday, but it sounds absurd that one device cannot stream audio to a computer.

    And for those suggesting third-party software, this sounds great if I were the only using them. I cannot imagine telling my friends "hey, buy this $40 software so we can stream music to each other's computer". I'm not sure I could even convince them to install free software to mess with their audio setup. iOS users are ruled out of course.

    For those suggesting iTunes home sharing: this is for personal use. I don't want to share my id/pass with anyone, and no one wants to share it with me.

    Nissan Altima Hybrid 2010. Nissan Altima Hybrid
  • Nissan Altima Hybrid

  • MattSepeta
    Apr 18, 04:00 PM
    The very fact that employers think that employees "should" work even one minute more than what they are paid to is mind-boggling. Why should they "expect" that the employee will give his time willingly for no extra?

    If they want the project manager to work past 5pm, they simply must pay. if they need him to come in on Saturday to work on that new addition to the project, they must pay. It would seem mighty pretentious of them to expect to not pay for work done.

    If they want employees to work non-stop, PAY FOR IT. No one owes their employer a darn thing except exactly what is required in the job during the hours agreed upon.

    See how that works?

    edit: funny that the US is pretty much the ONLY developed country on earth where benefits are seen as egregious handouts if you are a typical rank and file worker. But, we're #1, right?

    1. If you are on Salary, you contractually agreed to get the job done regardless of the typical "work week". If you don't want to work long hours, don't accept a salaried position.

    2. I am just as whole-heartedly against forcing hourly employees to work unpaid overtime. That would be "theft" or "servitude". Totally different.

    Nissan Altima Hybrid 2010. 2010 Nissan Altima Hybrid Dark
  • 2010 Nissan Altima Hybrid Dark

  • paddleboat
    Oct 27, 07:22 PM
    I had to have a good laugh following the greenpeace links from the macrumors article.

    * the "making waves" site had a pic and an article stating "our volunteers outside weere handing out real organic green apples". Only thing is the apples in the picture are red!

    *what are greenpeace more upset about...? the fact that there are tonnes of electronic waste in a garbage dump? or the fact that there are hundreds of poor and underpriviledged kids running around the dump collecting the waste in order to survive? I am sure that by fixing Apple's problems they will remove these kids from the dump! What is supposed to be in a garbage dump....the waste or the scavaging kids?

    Nissan Altima Hybrid 2010. Filed In: 2010 nissan altima
  • Filed In: 2010 nissan altima

  • babyj
    Sep 19, 03:44 PM
    Honestly I think movies will come to other countries before TV Shows do. Movies are more universal than TV Shows are, each country has their own TV Shows but everyone wants to watch Lord of the Rings.

    I'd of thought movies will come to the rest of the world pretty quickly. There shouldn't be any licensing issues so its probably more due to logistics than anything else.

    TV is totally different as most of the main programmes are already licensed to other broadcasters for other markets. Which would make selling episodes online outside of the home market tricky, it'll happen one day but it will take time.

    I doubt I'll be buying any movies or tv shows when they come to the UK, I've never bought a single tune before now from iTunes. I run about 6-12 months behind everyone else and buy cds and dvds when they've been reduced, it works out a lot cheaper.

    Nissan Altima Hybrid 2010. 2008 Nissan Altima Hybrid
  • 2008 Nissan Altima Hybrid

  • robeddie
    Apr 25, 01:57 PM
    I love the way the Arn writes "the next revision of Apple's MacBook Pro line will utilize a new case design for the first time in several years."

    It's been a couple years. 2 years, 6 months to be exact. He writes as though this design has been around for like, forever!

    The previous aluminum design remained almost exactly the same (except for some almost inperceptable thinning when it became the MacPro) from Jan 2003 (the powerbook G4) to October 2008. 5 YEARS AND TEN MONTHS!

    Nissan Altima Hybrid 2010. 2009 Nissan Altima Research
  • 2009 Nissan Altima Research

  • sloken
    Apr 20, 11:05 AM
    I do not seem to have this file! :D

    guess there are some users that are safe....

    Is your backup encrypted???

    Nissan Altima Hybrid 2010. new Nissan Altima Hybrid,
  • new Nissan Altima Hybrid,

  • mazola
    Aug 31, 03:19 PM
    Here comes Leather iPod Sock -- version 2.0!

    Nissan Altima Hybrid 2010. 2007 Nissan Altima Hybrid
  • 2007 Nissan Altima Hybrid

  • swindmill
    Sep 13, 09:59 PM
    I really can't imagine Apple releasing a phone that scratches as easily as an iPod. And, as someone else pointed out, a click-wheel at the bottom would make the thing easy to would require two hands to use the wheel. I hope this rumor is coming closer to reality, but I can't imagine that rendition is anywhere near what the phone will look like.

    Nissan Altima Hybrid 2010. 2010 Nissan Altima
  • 2010 Nissan Altima

  • redvettez06
    Apr 28, 03:29 PM
    Apple "beats" Microsoft?
    But who has the strongest dad? :rolleyes:

    ROFL! I totally see what you're saying. Why can't people just avoid fanboyish behavior? Both companies make some great products. Both companies make bad products too. *shrugs*

    Nissan Altima Hybrid 2010. 2010 Nissan Altima Coupe
  • 2010 Nissan Altima Coupe

  • boncellis
    Sep 5, 06:59 PM
    As far as the streaming video possibilities go, I think it would be cool for Apple to include the ability to "project" the entire desktop onto a remote screen, like a TV or projector. The tech is already there, and I think that kind of functionality would be that much cooler and more practical than simply streaming audio/video content. I would love to use my PB's lid-closed mode wirelessly with the TV.

    manu chao
    Apr 20, 10:43 AM
    everyone is fine with sharing their personal info on facebook but a device that remembers where it has been?
    Go have a look what I am sharing on Facebook.

    Aug 31, 08:17 PM
    I wonder if Apple will be able to provide the Movie Store to Europe and the rest of the world. If they can't, it's as good to me as if they didn't announce it at all. I mean look at TV Shows, what a disgrace, in Europe we might aswell still be running iTunes 4.

    I think a Movie Store should be seperate from iTunes. A new store for movies, a new app for managing them.

    Whats the issue with regards to TV shows only available to the USA. Why can't they be made available in the UK and Europe.

    Mar 23, 05:22 PM
    Don't pull it!!!!!

    I'm NOT in favor of drinking and driving, but I am in favor of freedom. I don't like the idea of ANY government control over things like this. Too many darn laws to begin with.

    I downloaded this app. It's pretty cool! The DUI thing is like the least useful. There is all sorts of good traffic info on this app. Love it!

    Sep 13, 09:03 PM
    I assume the screen would be a touch screen. I would hate to start dialing numbers using the click wheel.

    "The click-wheel portion of the device reportedly slides down to reveal a traditional numeric dial-pad underneath."
    someone was too excited to read the whole thing :p

    Oct 27, 12:00 PM
    People don't understand what freedoms truly are. It doesn't mean you get to say and do whatever you want wherever you want - that's anarchy, and anarchy is bad... unless you're the biggest, strongest and most brutal. Freedom of speech really means you can't be jailed or otherwise punished by the government for saying what you want in a pulic arena.

    Thank you! I was going to say the same thing... In general, people are clueless and often whine about censorship and how free speech is a thing of the past. What most don't realize is that we have more freedom of speech now then ever before. The key is free speech laws (as you stated) apply within a public domain - always have. What many (even most) fail to grasp is what is truly public grounds. As bitfactory noted "... and who thought shopping malls were public places? WTH? Honestly.", that is so true. I think many people fail to grasp that just because the general public is allowed inside an area does not make it a "public place".