makeup heads

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  • DeSnousa
    Aug 16, 04:04 PM
    Try increase

    Its a great app that i use to fold and has the ability to close and still run F@H in the background. Just make sure you put 3446 as you team in the preferences as its default team is team mac os x ;)

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  • puckhead193
    Jan 16, 01:17 PM
    seems like a fun time. So who's who in these pictures?

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  • Blue Velvet
    Nov 1, 05:42 PM

    Not sure whether you've got Muji in the U.S. UK & Japan, yes...

    Still, you may find it or something similar somewhere.

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  • Tanker-X
    Aug 28, 06:01 PM
    Ok. Ok. The damn thing is a fake. How do I know, because an apple rep from the apple store came in the night of the Jaguar release and informed me that four former apple designers came up with the hoax. They built a plastic rendition using a computer and a laser cutter. They then superimposed the newton OS onto the face of the device. The person writing was writing on a the screen, but it was the newton doing all the work. The reason why it looks a little different is they just adjusted the colors and some of the icons to meet a more "OSX" look. Man..that sucks. I know... I know...I should have known, but damn.:mad:


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  • Nermal
    Jul 26, 03:52 AM
    On my iBook I need to put the volume about halfway before I can hear anything. However it makes sense because I need to turn it down to about a quarter when using headphones - if it was louder without headphones then it would be unbearably loud with them. I hope that made sense!

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  • Lampwig
    Mar 21, 04:36 PM
    Good enough?

    Hey I wanted some help, You know the default Ios wallpaper, (steam) I have been looking for it everywhere in a 1280x800 resolution, but cant find it. :(
    Would you please be kind enough to convert the 960x640 to 1280x800?

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  • gman901
    Apr 23, 03:10 PM
    Thanks! Yes, I have lowered them and get about 15 fps on both games. I guess I can live with that considering the resolution is a step above playing these games through something like Onlive which is kind of janky on wifi and muddy graphics.

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  • Samelson03
    Feb 14, 04:09 PM
    Whenever I would plug in my iPod Video, iTunes would become unresponsive and I would get the beachball. I'm running iTunes 10.1.2. I have a 2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo MacBook. For some reason I feel like I've had this problem before but I don't remember how I fixed it.

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  • j_maddison
    Feb 15, 04:51 PM
    Hey thanks for the information

    I've just checked out the scanner you suggested, and odly enough (or maybe not that odd) its twice the price in the uk as it is in the USA. The cheapest I could find it for was �299 (roughtly$530) from a communications company I used to work for. I should be able to get a discount of 20% because I still know guys who work there.

    The only thing that concerns me is that it says its only windows compatible. I've had a look at the system requirments on several websites, and on every one it says windows only.


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  • Hattig
    Oct 25, 09:18 AM
    Screw Dvd Jon. He's a moron. iTunes is popular because it's a simplistic kick ass store. It's easy to use, and well organized. It has a great selection for a price cheaper than most CDs.

    If he is a moron, what does that make you? Could you crack DRM schemes when you were 16? Can you do it now?

    This is a useful fair use enabling technology. It will mean that iTMS purchased songs could be played on any player that has licensed Jon's work. It will mean that the iPod can play music from any store that has licensed Jon's work. This is a good thing for consumers, it opens up the market (assuming other companies license it).

    This only happened because Apple wouldn't license Fairplay themselves. Imagine where the CD would be today if Philips had never licensed it. DRM makes a digital format operate like a physical format - Fairplay is Betamax versus PlaysForSure's VHS for example.

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  • daboltz
    Apr 15, 12:05 AM
    Just curious, I wouldn't think it would be but is the iPad 2 any cheaper at the University of Utah campus store?

    No. The same price as anywhere else. They did however have every single model in stock, and no you don't have to be a student.

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  • monke
    Oct 19, 03:40 PM
    I read the title and had to look.

    Nice Job :)

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  • Jshwon
    May 20, 06:39 PM
    Here are a couple more I tried to take to show the bezel finish. There is no coating involved just sand paper and electrical tape. Here is the thread about the process:;=brushed+aluminum

    There is one tiny, tiny, and I emphasize TINY nick on the back that I couldn't get to come out in the pics. But trust me it is TINY! Just full disclosure.

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  • samcraig
    Mar 25, 10:42 AM
    Thanks for the replies..

    now investigating just going 1080p24 and converting from 60i to 50i instead to provide them the footage. Seems as though the loss of quality would be significantly less than standard video...

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  • teabgs
    May 13, 12:05 AM
    thanks arn! I know I, as well as many MANY others will enjoy the new forum. I dont think the sites layout is as bad as you make it seem... I find it to be the best there is, which is why I started going here instead of other rumor sites the most.

    Though it would be nice to have the different rumors listed category wise...;)

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  • techlover828
    Jun 27, 12:59 PM
    what's the model number of the dell monitor?

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  • therealseebs
    May 4, 05:22 PM
    Just a followup: It's back. The service center people reseated a connector, so quite possibly if the people at the store had known this could be the issue, they could have fixed it.

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  • Joshuarocks
    Mar 18, 05:02 AM
    Undisclosed reports also say that they stole 10 mac pros as well.

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  • sonofapplepm
    Nov 30, 04:51 AM
    Looks like there is still some business to take care of on your end. Let me know when it's done. I am still cosidering the offer.

    The Tuck
    Apr 12, 12:32 PM
    Does Push still work?

    Is it still unlocked after restore?

    What to do if one needs an exchange?

    Yes, this wouldn't affect Push at all. It's not like jailbreaking. As for an exchange... I assume if you told them that you had a factory unlocked phone, they would check the IMEI information and unlock the replacement phone for you in the store.


    Mar 4, 01:01 PM
    Also, what exactly is 'innacurate' with my thread?

    Well, considering you don't seem to understand that once your income is taxed, it is yours to keep, until you choose to spend it, at which time you might owe sales or use taxes.

    Your fundamental misunderstanding of how taxes work makes this poll silly. You think taxes are imposed on what you've earned, when point of fact, the cost of doing business (i.e. earning money) is the tax rate, and you get to keep everything post-taxes.

    I'm not aware of any income "tax" on your accumulated wealth. Any such tax would not be an "income" tax.

    Exactly, taxes are the price you pay for living in a stable society, therefore those who society has allowed to become rich owe some of that back to society in order to give other people the chance to succeed.

    And 5P, if people are really able to become wealthy without government providing regulation and a stable, secure environment then why doesn't Somalia have any Billionaires? It's basically your no government paradise.

    Actually, I don't care how much money they have after taxes, or if they are able to accumulate billions, but I think those who have high incomes, should pay a higher tax rate, and I think we need to reform our estate tax system to eliminate the floor (or dramatically reduce it), and increase the tax rates to something closer to ordinary income.

    jose fuertes s.
    Oct 19, 12:19 PM
    Pages needs an urgent update 'cause when you are working with more than 29 pages, including hi resolution so damn slow!:mad:

    May 2, 04:31 PM
    You might want to start by reading this ( and googling a bit more around to get up to speed about this.

    I'm only a beginner in these things, but accepting creditcards of your own, you do need to be PCI DSS ( compliant methinks.

    Paypal or Google ? Why not both ?

    IMHO you would be best developing the website with a payment gateway, and let the thirdparty take care of processing the creditcards / paypal / google checkout.

    Especially if you are not yet clear about the whole setup and how it will work.

    From what I read in your post, setting up the website, using a shopping cart, linking in to the payment gateway and generating the receipts : that seems like a big piece of work if you develop that yourself - to me it sounds like magento or another e-commerce solution could do most of what you need.

    Oct 25, 09:37 AM
    My roommate is a PC fanatic. He's an engineer, yet he still uses IE instead of Firefox for crying out loud. All of his purchased music is from MusicMatch, and he plays it on the cheapest player he could find.

    He recently got a new computer and tried to get his MusicMatch songs to play on it. He has now devoted a couple hours every afternoon for 3 weeks to the project. In his weakened condition, I started showing him how my iTunes music could painlessly hop from computer to computer, and how if he used iTunes, he could stream all of my non-protected music. He was ready to cut his losses and switch to iTunes right there.

    iTunes songs won't play on his player so that was the end of it. There's no way he's paying more than $30 for a player, and there's no iPod that cheap. As a result, he'll never know how much better iTunes (and the rest of mac software) is. Apple had a chance to get their foot in the door, and instead they slammed his own door in his face.